Today we are going to talk to those of you who use Bitcoin digital currency to pay for a variety of goods and services – along with a warning about yet another source of Bitcoin miners – the sharing services. You may think that if you avoid cracks and keygens while browsing the web you […]
Today we are going to talk to those of you who use Bitcoin digital currency to pay for a variety of goods and services – along with a warning about yet another source of Bitcoin miners – the sharing services. You may think that if you avoid cracks and keygens while browsing the web you […]
Companies in our field of business have long wished for a better way of discovering and describing malware capabilities than the current system. Such a system would be of great benefit to everyone who has to deal with malware and the damage they can c…
Let’s just say it. The world is going mobile. Practically any task you can perform on your computer, you can also do with a mobile phone, and there are even a few that your computer can’t do. In just moments, you can simultaneously shop for shoes, deposit a check and then quickly buy a plan Read more…
Big news stories are always an opportunity for scammers and spammers, who attempt to redirect users to malicious exploit kits or other unwanted services. Britain’s royal baby is the latest news to offer cover for malware. We have already found a lot of spam messages regarding the birth and baby that lead users to the Read more…
Web ads: sometimes annoying, other times entertaining and useful, but for the most part, harmless. Or so you thought. It seems that cybercriminals are now turning their attention toward pulling you in with a strong sales message, and you may be none the wiser until it’s too late. Your neighborhood hacker has decided to start Read more…
Nothing in life is free, and that’s especially true when it comes to mobile apps. Thousands of free apps are flooding the marketplace—most are legitimate and available at no initial cost. But they often come at the price of offering up data from your smartphone or tablet that you might not be aware of or Read more…
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s… going to crash your computer? Little did Batman know the search for him across the World Wide Web almost singlehandedly brought down several of his fans’ computers. Across town in her invisible jet, Wonder Woman had no clue that in searching her out, fans’ computers were getting infected Read more…
このような警告を無視することが習慣化してしまうと、悪質な Web サイトに引っかかりやすくなり、たとえば空港やレストランの無料ホットスポットで典型的な中間者(MITM)攻撃に狙われたりします。あらゆるサイトに対して自己署名証明書として機能する悪質なアクセスポイントを設定している攻撃者もいるということを、多くのユーザーは知りません。この証明書を受け入れてしまうと攻撃者にトラフィックを傍受され、オンラインサービス用のパスワードを読み取られる可能性もあります。Google が導入したような認証のピンニングを使うと、主な Web サイトでユーザーが警告を無視できなくなるので、MITM 攻撃対策に有効です。調査結果でも、Chrome の SSL 警告のおよそ 20% はユーザーが無視できないものでした。この比率は、MITM 攻撃に由来するものでしょう。
マルウェア警告を無視するのは、賢明でもありません。シマンテックの『インターネットセキュリティ脅威レポート』(ISTR)によると、感染した Web サイトの 61% は、正規の Web サイトが乗っ取られたものでした。つまり、過去にアクセスしたことがある既知のサイトだからといって安全とは限りません。前回のアクセス以降に感染し、今では悪用を通じてマルウェアに利用されているかもしれないからです。
ブラウザの警告は必ず読み、真剣に受け止めることをお勧めします。読んで内容を理解したうえで、その Web サイトにセキュリティ上のリスクがないことがわかっているのであれば、クリックすればいいのです。ろくに確かめもせず、やみくもに警告を無視してクリックしてしまうことだけは避けてください。
Be honest. Do you really read the warning messages that your browser displays to you? Or do you blindly click the phishing site warnings or the SSL mismatch dialog away? Apparently most users don’t seem to care too much about those warnings and c…