Tag Archives: vulnerability

How the Elderwood Platform is Fueling 2014’s Zero-Day Attacks

Back in 2012, Symantec researched the Elderwood platform, which was used in spear-phishing and watering-hole attacks against a wide variety of industries. The Elderwood platform essentially consists of a set of exploits that have been engineered and packaged in a “consumer-friendly” way. This allows non-technical attackers to easily use zero-day exploits against their targets.

We observed attackers using the Elderwood platform against a large number of sectors, including defense, defense supply chain manufacturing, IT, and human rights. Most notably, attackers used this set of exploits in a high-profile campaign known as Operation Aurora.

The Elderwood platform may have first been documented in 2012, but it has continuously been updated with some of the latest zero-day exploits. Within just one month at the start of 2014, the Elderwood platform was used to exploit three zero-day vulnerabilities, proving that this exploit set is still a formidable threat.

Initially, our research suggested that the Elderwood platform was being used by a single attack group. Our latest research leads us to believe that several groups could be using this platform. The evidence suggests that either one distributor is responsible for selling the platform or one major organization developed the exploit set for its in-house attack teams. Either scenario could shed light on how some of the biggest attack groups in action today get such early access to zero-day exploits.

Who could have created Elderwood?
There are several theories which may describe the makeup of the attackers utilizing the Elderwood platform’s zero-day exploits. Our research suggests that there are two more probable scenarios.

  • There is a single parent organization broken into a number of subgroups. Each subgroup is tasked with targeting a particular industry. They each use individually developed malware families and operate their own network infrastructure. The parent organization obtains the zero-day exploits and coordinates the distribution and utilization of these exploits amongst the subgroups.


Figure 1. Zero-day exploits distributed throughout an organization consisting of multiple teams

  • The attack groups are separate entities with their own agendas. These groups all have contact with a single zero-day exploit supplier which delivers the exploits to the groups at the same time. The supplier may give certain groups preferential treatment, offering zero-day exploits to some attack groups a few days before others. 


Figure 2. Zero-day exploits distributed to different groups but by a common supplier

Based on our evidence, which we will discuss in this blog, it seems likely that someone is supplying various Internet Explorer and Adobe Flash zero-day exploits to an intermediate organization or directly to the various groups. This alone is a sign of the level of resources available to these attackers. 

If the exploits are being purchased from a third party distributor, the purchasing organization must have substantial financial resources to pay for the exploits. If the exploits are developed in-house, this would indicate that the organization has hired several highly technical individuals to do so. These employees are either being well compensated for their work or have some other motivating factor that prevents them from selling exploits on the open market themselves.

Elderwood’s notable exploits
In 2012, several Internet Explorer and Adobe Flash exploits were part of the Elderwood platform, which took advantage of a number of vulnerabilities, including the following bugs.

Recently, we have seen the platform use new zero-day exploits against the following vulnerabilities, many of which are similar to the previously used exploits.

These exploits are not the only ones used in the platform, but as we will discuss, they show a connection between Elderwood campaigns. Let’s take a look at some of the major attack groups who have used the Elderwood platform over the past few years.

Who has been using the Elderwood platform?
The following is a timeline of the most recent high-profile use of the Elderwood platform. 


Figure 3. Timeline of known activities of recent zero-day exploits

While many of the following attack groups do not use the Elderwood platform exclusively, they have been observed using it throughout many of their major campaigns over a number of years. Along with taking advantage of vulnerabilities that are known to be covered in the Elderwood platform, the attackers also exploited other flaws, such as the Microsoft Internet Explorer ‘CDwnBindInfo’ Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2012-4792) and the Microsoft Internet Explorer Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2014-1776).

Attack group Targets Associated operation names Exploited vulnerabilities Malware used
Hidden Lynx Defense industry Operation Snowman CVE-2014-0322 (Internet Explorer) Backdoor.ZXshell

Japanese users

Uyghur dissidents


CVE-2014-0322 (Internet Explorer)

CVE-2014-0502 (Adobe Flash)



Linfo/Icefog Manufacturing firms Icefog

CVE-2012-0779 (Adobe Flash)

CVE-2014-0324 (Internet Explorer)



Sakurel Aerospace engine manufacturers  

CVE-2014-0322 (Internet Explorer)

CVE-2012-4792 (Internet Explorer)

CVE-2014-0502 (Adobe Flash)

CVE-2014-1776 (Internet Explorer)


Table 1. The attack groups using the Elderwood platform

The Elderwood connection
Along with the attack groups’ use of these exploits through their campaigns, the exploits’ infrastructure also appear to be linked.

The two recent Internet Explorer zero-day exploits for CVE-2014-0322 and CVE-2014-0324 share a number of features, including common shellcode. They both can also decrypt malware retrieved from images and write the decrypted malware to a file with a “.txt” extension in the %Temp% folder. 

Along with this, exploits for both CVE-2014-0502 and CVE-2014-0322 were hosted on the same site. Finally, there are indications that suggest that a CVE-2014-0324 exploit was used to drop Backdoor.Linfo. The same malware was dropped in 2012 with the CVE-2012-0779 exploit. 

The following image gives an overall look at how these attack groups’ use of the Elderwood platform are connected.


Figure 4. Some of the connections between recent and previous zero-day exploits

It’s difficult to definitively link the use of zero-day exploits back to one central group or organization. Once a zero-day exploit has been deployed in an attack, it can be reverse-engineered, copied and re-purposed for other attackers to use. The Elderwood platform is particularly easy to reverse-engineer, as its exploits are neatly packaged and separated from the payload. Elderwood’s exploit implementations may have been purposely created in this manner to make it easier for its customers to use. 

However, in these observed attack campaigns, there is a repeating pattern of attack groups using Internet Explorer and Flash zero-day exploits to deliver the same malware families. Not only that, but these exploits share many similarities in their implementation. This evidence indicates that there is a greater level of communication between attack groups than if the exploits were simply being reverse-engineered. 

Whether Elderwood’s creator is a third-party supplier or a major organization equipping its own teams, the various groups using ‘Elderwood’ zero-day exploits are well resourced and motivated. They present a serious threat to potential targets.

Symantec protects customers from the various malware families listed in this blog through our antivirus, IPS, behavioral and reputation technologies.

Vulnerabilidade de Dia-Zero do Internet Explorer está a Solta


A Symantec está ciente dos relatórios de vulnerabilidade de Dia Zero, Vulnerabilidade de Execução de Código Remoto para Microsoft Internet Explorer (CVE-2014-1776), que afeta todas as versões do Internet Explorer.

A Microsoft publicou um aviso de segurança sobre a vulnerabilidade no Internet Explorer, que está sendo utilizada em limitados ataques dirigidos. Atualmente não existe nenhum patch disponível para esta vulnerabilidade e a Microsoft, até o momento em que este texto foi escrito, não ofereceu uma data de divulgação desta correção.

Nossos testes confirmaram que a vulnerabilidade afeta o Internet Explorer do Windows XP. Esta é a primeira vulnerabilidade de Dia-Zero que não será corrigida para os usuários do Windows XP, pois a Microsoft encerrou o suporte deste sistema operacional em 8 de abril de 2014. No entanto, a Microsoft afirmou que o seu avançado kit de ferramentas de Mitigação (EMET) 4.1 e acima poderá mitigar essa vulnerabilidade do Internet Explorer que é suportado pelo Windows XP. Além de usar o EMET, a Symantec incentiva os usuários a mudarem temporariamente para um navegador da Web diferente até que uma correção seja disponibilizada pelo fornecedor.

Symantec protege os clientes contra este ataque, com as seguintes detecções:

Nós vamos atualizar este blog com mais informações assim que estiverem disponíveis.

Atualização – 28 de Abril

Com a finalidade de reduzir a Vulnerabilidade de Execução de Código Remoto para Microsoft Internet Explorer (CVE-2014-1776) , a Symantec ofrece as seguintes recomendações

A Microsoft declarou que versões do avançado kit de ferramentas de Mitigação (EMET) 4.1 e superiores podem atenuar essa vulnerabilidade no Internet Explorer. O kit de ferramentas está disponível para usuários do Windows XP também. Se a utilização do EMET não for uma opção, os usuários podem considerar como forma de reduzir o problema anulando o registro de um arquivo DLL chamado VGX.DLL. Este arquivo provê suporte para VML (Vector Markup Language) no navegador. Essa ação não é necessária para a maioria dos usuários. No entanto, ao anular o registro da Library qualquer aplicação que utilize DLL não funcionará de maneira apropriada. Igualmente, algumas aplicações potencialmente instaladas no sistema podem se registrar no DLL. Com isso em mente, a seguinte linha de instruções pode ser executada para tornar imune o sistema de ataques que tentem explorar esta vulnerabilidade. Esta linha de recomendações pode ser usada para todos os sistemas operativos afetados.

“%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe” -u “%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll”

Nós também desenvolvemos um arquivo de lote que pode ser utilizado para executar a tarefa para aqueles que necessitem administrar grandes infra-estruturas de TI.


Nota: Os usuários terão de renomear o arquivo usando uma extensão .bat

O arquivo de lote tem a capacidade de verificar o estado atual do arquivo DLL e cancelar o registro da DLL, conforme necessário. O roteiro descrito no arquivo de lote é muito simples e pode ser usado como uma base para customizar o código para atender às necessidades de certos ambientes de sistema.

Apesar de nenhuma ferramenta especial ser necessária para atenuar essa vulnerabilidade, por favor note que as recomendações, como as fornecidas aqui, podem não ser as mesmas possíveis para vulnerabilidades futuras. Recomendamos que os sistemas operacionais não suportados, como o Windows XP, sejam substituídos por versões atualizadas, logo que possível.

Vulnerabilidad Día Cero de Internet Explorer Puesta al Descubierto


Symantec está al tanto de los reportes de la vulnerabilidad de Día Cero, Vulnerabilidad de Ejecución de Código Remoto para Microsoft Internet Explorer, que afecta todas las versiones de Internet Explorer.

Microsoft dio a conocer un aviso de seguridad referente a una vulnerabilidad en Internet Explorer que está siendo empleada en limitados ataques dirigidos. Actualmente no existe un parche disponible para esta vulnerabilidad y Microsoft, hasta el momento que este texto fue escrito, no ha proporcionado una fecha de lanzamiento para uno.

Nuestras pruebas confirman que la vulnerabilidad afectó Internet Explorer en Windows XP. Ésta es la primera vulnerabilidad de Día Cero que no será arreglada para los usuarios de Windows XP, pues Microsoft concluyó el soporte para este sistema operativo el pasado 8 de abril de 2014. Sin embargo, Microsoft informó que su Kit de herramientas de Experiencia de mitigación mejorada (EMET, por sus siglas en inglés) 4.1 y superior podrá mitigar esta vulnerabilidad de Internet Explorer y es compatible con Windows XP.

Symantec Security Response recomienda a los usuarios, adicionalmente al uso de EMET, cambiar temporalmente por un navegador diferente hasta que el parche se encuentre disponible por parte del proveedor. Symantec protege a sus clientes contra este ataque con las siguientes detecciones:

Mantendremos actualizado este blog con información adicional tan pronto esté disponible.

Actualización – 28 de abril de 2014

Con la finalidad de reducir la Vulnerabilidad de Ejecución de Código Remoto para Microsoft Internet Explorer (CVE-2014-1776), Symantec brinda las siguientes recomendaciones.

Microsoft declaró que las versiones del Kit de herramientas de Experiencia de mitigación mejorada (EMET, por sus siglas en inglés) 4.1 y superior podrá disminuir esta vulnerabilidad de Internet Explorer. El kit de herramientas también está disponible para los usuarios de Windows XP. Si el uso de EMET no es una alternativa, los usuarios pueden considerar reducir el problema anulando el registro a un archivo DLL llamado VGX.DLL. Este archivo provee soporte para VML (Vector Markup Language) en el navegador. Esto no es necesario para la mayoría de los usuarios. No obstante al anular el registro del library cualquier aplicación que utilice DLL no funcionará apropiadamente. Igualmente, algunas aplicaciones instaladas en el sistema potencialmente pueden regresar el registro al DLL. Con esto en mente, la siguiente línea de instrucciones puede ser ejecutada para volver inmune al sistema de ataques que intenten explotar la vulnerabilidad. Esta línea de instrucciones puede ser usada para todos los sistemas operativos afectados:

“%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe” -u “%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll”

También hemos desarrollado un archivo de lote que puede ser usado para llevar a cabo la tarea de aquellos que requieran administrar infraestructuras de TI más grandes.


Nota: Los usuarios necesitarán renombrar el archivo usando una extensión .bat

El archivo de lotes tiene la habilidad de verificar el estado actual del archivo DLL y de remover el registro de DLL como se requiere. La secuencia de comandos descrita en el lote de archivos es muy simple y se puede utilizar como base para personalizar el código y  adaptarse a las necesidades de ciertos entornos de sistema.

Aunque no son necesarias herramientas especiales en particular para mitigar esta vulnerabilidad, por favor tome en cuenta que las recomendaciones, como las proporcionadas aquí, pueden que no sean útiles para futuras vulnerabilidades. Recomendamos que los sistemas operativos sin soporte, como Windows XP, sean reemplazados por versiones con soporte tan pronto sea posible.

??? ??? ???? ???? Internet Explorer ???


시만텍은 모든 버전의 Internet Explorer에 영향을 미치는 제로데이 취약점인 Microsoft Internet Explorer 원격 코드 실행 취약점(CVE-2014-1776)이 보고되고 있음을 확인했습니다.

Microsoft는 일부 표적 공격에 이용되고 있는 Internet Explorer의 취약점에 대한 보안 권고를 발표했습니다. 현재 이 취약점에 대한 패치는 없으며, 이 글의 작성 시점에는 Microsoft에서 패치 발표일을 밝히지 않은 상태입니다.

시만텍의 테스트에 따르면, 이 취약점은 Windows XP의 Internet Explorer에서 문제를 일으킵니다. Microsoft에서 2014년 4월 8일 자로 이 운영 체제에 대한 지원을 종료한 가운데 이번 취약점은 Windows XP 사용자에게 패치가 제공되지 않은 최초의 제로데이 취약점입니다. Microsoft는 자사의 EMET(Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) 4.1 이상으로 이 Internet Explorer 취약점을 완화할 수 있으며 해당 툴킷이 Windows XP에서 지원된다고 밝힌 바 있습니다. 시만텍 보안 연구소는 사용자에게 EMET를 사용하면서 벤더가 패치를 제공할 때까지 임시로 다른 웹 브라우저를 사용할 것을 권장합니다.

시만텍은 아래와 같은 탐지 활동을 통해 이 공격으로부터 고객을 보호합니다.

추가 정보가 입수되는 대로 이 블로그를 통해 게시하겠습니다.

업데이트 – 2014년 4월 28일:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 원격 코드 실행 취약점(CVE-2014-1776)을 완화하기 위한 시만텍 권장 사항은 아래와 같습니다.

Microsoft에 따르면, EMET(Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) 4.1 이상 버전을 사용하여 이 Internet Explorer의 취약점을 완화할 수 있습니다. 이 툴킷은 Windows XP 사용자도 이용 가능합니다. EMET를 사용하기 어려운 경우 VGX.DLL이라는 DLL 파일을 등록 취소하는 방법으로 이 문제를 완화할 수 있습니다. 이 파일은 해당 브라우저에서 VML(Vector Markup Language)을 지원합니다. 대부분의 사용자는 이 방법을 사용할 필요가 없습니다. 하지만 라이브러리의 등록을 취소할 경우 이 DLL을 사용하는 애플리케이션이 더 이상 정상적으로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 또한 시스템에 설치된 일부 애플리케이션에서 이 DLL을 다시 등록할 가능성도 있습니다. 이러한 사항을 고려하여 이 취약점을 노리는 공격으로부터 시스템을 보호하기 위해 아래의 한 줄짜리 명령어를 실행할 수 있습니다. 이 명령어는 해당 취약점의 영향을 받는 모든 운영 체제에서 사용할 수 있습니다.

“%SystemRoot%\System32\regsvr32.exe” -u “%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll”

시만텍은 대규모 IT 인프라스트럭처를 관리해야 하는 고객을 위해 배치 파일을 개발했습니다.


참고: 사용자는 .bat 확장자를 사용하여 파일 이름을 변경해야 합니다.

이 배치 파일은 DLL 파일의 현재 상태를 확인하고 필요한 경우 DLL을 등록 취소하는 기능을 수행합니다. 배치 파일의 스크립트는 매우 간단하며 이를 바탕으로 특정 시스템 환경의 요구 사항에 맞게 코드를 커스터마이즈할 수 있습니다.

이 취약점을 완화하는 데 특별한 툴이 필요한 것은 아니지만, 향후 발견될 취약점에 대해서는 여기서 소개한 것과 같은 권장 사항의 적용이 불가능할 수 있습니다. 따라서 Windows XP와 같이 지원되지 않는 운영 체제는 가급적 빨리 지원되는 버전으로 대체하는 것이 좋습니다.


Update – May 02, 2014:
Microsoft has released an out-of-band security update to address this vulnerability. For more information, see the following Microsoft security advisory:

Out-of-Band Release to Address Microsoft Security Advisory 2963983


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シマンテックは、「複数の一太郎製品に存在する不解決のリモートコード実行の脆弱性」(CVE-2013-5990)として知られる一太郎の新しいゼロデイ脆弱性について、以前ブログでお伝えしました。この時点では、この脆弱性が盛んに悪用されていることは確認されたものの、うまく機能せず実際にコンピュータへの侵入はありませんでした。その 1 週間後、シマンテックは、攻撃者の意図どおりに動作する悪用コードを複数のインシデントで確認しました。この悪用コードは、標的型攻撃でよく使われているバックドアを利用して、標的のコンピュータに実際に侵入することが可能です。脆弱性の悪用に使われているファイルは、以前の攻撃と同じくリッチテキスト形式で、ジャストシステム社が開発したワープロソフトウェア「一太郎」が標的になっています。
悪用が不首尾に終わった前回の攻撃では、悪質な文書に Backdoor.Vidgrab の亜種とシェルコードが埋め込まれていました。このときのサンプルの場合、シマンテックのテスト環境では、シェルコードはバックドアを投下することができませんでした。今回の悪質な文書ファイルには、Backdoor.KorplugBackdoor.Misdat、および Trojan Horse として検出される各種のマルウェアを投下するシェルコードが含まれています。投下されるのはいずれも、標的型攻撃でおなじみのバックドア型のトロイの木馬です。Backdoor.Korplug は 2012 年に出現して以来、標的型攻撃で頻繁に使われています。Backdoor.Misdat は 2011 年、米国や日本に拠点を置く組織が狙われたときに主として確認されましたが、最近の攻撃ではあまり使われていません。
ペイロードとして Backdoor.Vidgrab を使い続けていたうちは悪用の試みに失敗していましたが、その後は戦術を変えて各種のバックドアを使うようになり、悪用に成功するようになっています。また、シマンテックは、今回標的が広がってより多くの組織が狙われるようになっていることも確認しています。このことから、攻撃者はテスト運用を行って悪用の成否を確かめる段階を終え、いよいよ一太郎の脆弱性を悪用して実害のある攻撃を仕掛ける段階に入ったのではないかと考えられます。さらに、一太郎の脆弱性を悪用した攻撃を仕掛けるためのツールキットを他の攻撃者と共有し始めている可能性もあります。いずれにしても、この脆弱性を悪用する攻撃が増加していることは確かであり、一太郎をお使いのユーザーはこれらの攻撃に警戒する必要があります。
ただし、脆弱性の悪用に成功している攻撃が複数見つかったとしても、一太郎ユーザーが大騒ぎする必要はありません。この脆弱性に対するパッチはすでに公開されており、ダウンロードできるようになっています。まだこのパッチを適用していない場合には、ただちにパッチを適用してください。シマンテックは、今回説明した悪質なリッチテキストファイルを Trojan.Mdropper として検出します。
* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Ichitaro Vulnerability Successfully Exploited in the Wild

In a previous blog, Symantec reported a new Ichitaro zero-day vulnerability known as the Multiple Ichitaro Products Unspecified Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2013-5990). This flaw was being actively exploited in the wild, but the exploit was…

New Zero-day Vulnerability Used in Operation Hangover Attacks

On November 5, Microsoft issued an advisory and a blog post to report a new zero-day vulnerability in the Microsoft Graphics component that affects Windows, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Lync: the Multiple Microsoft Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2013-3906). The advisory states that the vulnerability exists in the way that certain components handle specially crafted TIFF images, potentially allowing an attacker to remotely execute code on the affected computer. 
While Microsoft has yet to release a patch for this vulnerability, it has provided a temporary “Fix It” tool as a workaround until a security update is made available. To ensure that Symantec customers are protected from attacks using this zero-day vulnerability, the following protection is being released:
  • Trojan.Hantiff
  • Bloodhound.Exploit.525
Intrusion Prevention System
  • Web Attack: Microsoft Office RCE CVE-2013-3906_2
The Microsoft blog post states that this vulnerability is being actively exploited in targeted attacks using crafted Word documents sent in emails. Symantec’s research into the exploitation of this zero-day flaw in the wild has shown that our Symantec.Cloud service preemptively blocks emails sent as part of this attack. Here are some examples of the email subject headings and the attached files’ names seen in the attack:
File name: Details_Letter of Credit.doc
Email subject: Illegal Authorization for Funds Transfer
File name: Missing MT103 Confirmation.docx
Email subject: Problem with Credit September 26th 2013
File name: Illegality_Supply details.docx
Email subject: Illegal Authorization for Funds Transfer
After analyzing the payloads being used in this attack, we have identified that the targeted emails are part of an attack campaign known as Operation Hangover, which we covered back in May 2013 in the blog post: Operation Hangover: Q&A on Attacks. At that time, the group behind these attacks was known to have used multiple vulnerabilities, but was not known to have used any zero-day flaws in the attacks. As predicted in our previous blog post, the exposure of Operation Hangover would not adversely affect the activities of the group orchestrating the campaign, which can be clearly seen now with these latest activities involving the zero-day vulnerability. 
Symantec has protection in place for the threats used in this latest wave of the Operation Hangover campaign as Trojan.Mdropper, Downloader and Infostealer. To allow customers to identify this attack, we are mapping the latest components of the Operation Hangover campaign to Trojan.Smackdown.B and Trojan.Hangove.B. 
Symantec will continue to investigate this attack to ensure that the best possible protection is in place. As always, we recommend that users keep their systems up-to-date with the latest software patches and refrain from opening any suspicious emails. We also advise customers to use the latest Symantec technologies and incorporate the latest Symantec consumer and enterprise solutions to best protect against attacks of this kind.

?????????????????????? Internet Explorer ???????????

Microsoft は 2013 年 10 月の月例パッチを公開し、一部の標的型攻撃で活発に悪用されている「緊急」レベルの 2 つの脆弱性に対応する MS13-080 をリリースしました。Internet Explorer に存在する 1 つ目の「緊急」の脆弱性は、「Microsoft Internet Explorer のメモリ破損の脆弱性(CVE-2013-3893)」で、これについては先日のシマンテックブログでお伝えしました。


Internet Explorer に存在する 2 つ目の「緊急」の脆弱性は、「Microsoft Internet Explorer のメモリ破損の脆弱性(CVE-2013-3897)」です。Microsoft はブログ記事の中で、これが CDisplayPointer における解放後使用の脆弱性であると述べ、onpropertychange というイベントハンドラによって実行される過程を説明しています。同ブログによると、JavaScript のヒープスプレーを使って、アドレス 0x14141414 付近に小さい ROP チェーンが割り当てられるということです。被害が確認されたエクスプロイトは、韓国語または日本語圏のユーザーを対象に、Windows XP 上の Internet Explorer 8 のみを標的にするよう設計されていました。シマンテック製品をお使いのお客様については、この攻撃に対して以下の保護対策がすでに実施されています。


シマンテックの遠隔測定によると、CVE-2013-3897 を悪用する攻撃が始まったのは 2013 年 9 月 11 日前後です。また、エクスプロイトをホストしているサイトにユーザーをリダイレクトする際、韓国の人気ブログサイトの Web ページが利用されていることから、主な対象は韓国のユーザーであることも判明しています。




* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。


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