Tag Archives: Stagefright

Android security updates roll out to fight “Stagefright” type bug

Android Mediaserver vulnerability looks similar to the Stagefright bug. Android owners may recall the Stagefright bug, the “worst ever Android vulnerability yet discovered”. That malware exposed a billion (that’s nearly every) Android device on the face of the earth to malware. The latest critical bug has similarities to Stagefright, but exists in Android’s mediaserver. Google […]

Stagefright 2.0: ????????????10 ??????????????

攻撃者が MP3 ファイルと MP4 ファイルを使うと、影響を受ける Android デバイスにアクセスして、マルウェアをインストールしたり情報を盗み出したりする恐れがあります。

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Stagefright 2.0: New vulnerabilities leave a billion Android devices at risk

Attackers can use MP3 and MP4 files to gain access to affected Android devices and install malware or steal information.Read More

Dark times for Android: Examining Certifi-gate and the newest Stagefright updates

When it comes to security, it seems that Android has seen better days. A slew of vulnerabilities and threats have been cropping up recently, putting multitudes of Android users at risk. Certifi-gate and Stagefright are two threats that, when left unprotected against, could spark major data breaches. Certifi-gate leaches permissions from other apps to gain […]

Vulnerabilidades de Stagefright representam uma séria ameaça a usuários de Android

Apesar do Google ter corrigido imediatamente sete vulnerabilidades críticas, a velocidade na qual os usuários recebem atualizações depende dos fabricantes dos dispositivos.

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Vulnerabilidades que afectan al componente Stagefright representan grave amenaza para los usuarios de Android.

Aunque Google emitió inmediatamente un parche contra las siete vulnerabilidades críticas, los usuarios reciben las actualizaciones en cuanto los fabricantes de dispositivos las tienen disponibles.

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Stagefright vulnerabilities pose serious threat to Android users

Although Google immediately patched seven critical vulnerabilities, how quickly end users receive updates is dependent on device manufacturers.Read More

Big Brother(s) Could be Watching You Thanks to Stagefright  

Earlier this week, security researchers unveiled a vulnerability that is believed to be the worst Android vulnerability yet discovered. The “Stagefright” bug exposes nearly 1 billion Android devices to malware. The vulnerability was found in “Stagefright”, an Android media library. Hackers can gain access to a device by exploiting the vulnerability and can then access […]

‘Stagefright’ Android bug needs your phone number to work

Believed to be the worst Android vulnerability yet discovered, the “Stagefright” bug exposes nearly 1 billion Android devices to malware. This malware is delivered by a multimedia message sent via Google Hangouts. This exploit is considered extremely dangerous because the victim is not required to take any action and there are no apparent effects. The attacker […]