Tag Archives: Exploit-Kits

????????????????????Adobe Flash Player ????? 2 ??? PoC ??????

Hacking Team におけるデータ漏えいで、さらにもうひとつ Adobe Flash Player のゼロデイ脆弱性が見つかりました。

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?????????????? 2014 ???????: ????????????? 53 % ????????????????

2014 年、金融機関を狙うトロイの木馬の感染件数は減少したものの、攻撃者が最新のセキュリティ対策を回避し始めたことで、依然として多くの脅威が拡散しています。

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Troyanos Financieros: Las infecciones disminuyeron 53 por ciento en 2014, pero la amenaza prevalece

Aunque el número de detecciones de Troyanos financieros disminuyó durante 2014, la amenaza fue considerable, ya que los agresores se han movido para evadir nuevas medidas de seguridad.

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Financial Trojans in 2014: Takedowns contributed to 53 percent drop in infections, but threat is still prevalent

While the number of financial Trojan detections decreased in 2014, the threat was still considerable, as attackers moved to bypass newer security measures.Read More

Cavalos de Troia em 2014: Queda de 53% nas infecções, mas a ameaça ainda prevalece

Ainda que o número de detecções de Trojans financeiros tenha diminuído em 2014, a ameaça ainda é considerável, já que os atacantes alteraram suas táticas para contornar as medidas de segurança mais recentes.

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The Dangers of a Royal Baby: Scams Abound

Big news stories are always an opportunity for scammers and spammers, who attempt to redirect users to malicious exploit kits or other unwanted services. Britain’s royal baby is the latest news to offer cover for malware. We have already found a lot of spam messages regarding the birth and baby that lead users to the Read more…