After a while, your phones and tablets accumulate obsolete files and superfluous data, system caches, gallery thumbnails, and programs. This ‘junk’ slows down your device and eats up precious storage space. Avast Cleanup identifies and cleans unwanted files from your Android device so it will run like a champ again. Our new free app, Avast […]
Aunque Google emitió inmediatamente un parche contra las siete vulnerabilidades críticas, los usuarios reciben las actualizaciones en cuanto los fabricantes de dispositivos las tienen disponibles.
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Although Google immediately patched seven critical vulnerabilities, how quickly end users receive updates is dependent on device manufacturers.Read More
Apesar do Google ter corrigido imediatamente sete vulnerabilidades críticas, a velocidade na qual os usuários recebem atualizações depende dos fabricantes dos dispositivos.
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Earlier this week, security researchers unveiled a vulnerability that is believed to be the worst Android vulnerability yet discovered. The “Stagefright” bug exposes nearly 1 billion Android devices to malware. The vulnerability was found in “Stagefright”, an Android media library. Hackers can gain access to a device by exploiting the vulnerability and can then access […]
Believed to be the worst Android vulnerability yet discovered, the “Stagefright” bug exposes nearly 1 billion Android devices to malware. This malware is delivered by a multimedia message sent via Google Hangouts. This exploit is considered extremely dangerous because the victim is not required to take any action and there are no apparent effects. The attacker […]
Mid January we informed you of a data-stealing piece of Android malware called Fobus. Back then Fobus mainly targeted our users in Eastern Europe and Russia. Now, Fobus is also targeting our users in the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and other countries around the world. Fobus can cost its unaware victims a lot of money, because it sends […]
Make sure your Android phone is wiped clean before you sell it. Every day, tens of thousands of people sell or give away their old mobile phones. We decided to buy some of these used phones to test whether they had been wiped clean of their data. What we found was astonishing: 40,000 photos including […]
Over time, we’ve noticed the presence of some fairly heated user debates disputing the necessity of security or antivirus apps for Android devices. This could have been sparked by our recent post which argues that you can’t always rely on the security of Google Play or because of the myth that antivirus companies create viruses to sell more […]