Tag Archives: Web Gateway

HeartBleed – a further update from Symantec Email & Web Security

Last week, we shared details of how the HeartBleed OpenSSL vulneratbility affected our Email & Web Security products.
The newest feature in our Web Security.cloud product, the ability to analyze and control data over HTTPS communicat…

???????????????????????????? Instagram ??

先週、Instagram を悪用する詐欺師から、宝くじに当選したと称して、その当選金をフォロワーに進呈すると騙る画像が投稿されました。詐欺師はユーザーを欺いてこの投稿を共有させ、個人情報を引き出したり、さらには詐欺師への送金を求めたりします。

この詐欺では、英国と米国の現実の宝くじ当選者になりすますために多数の Instagram アカウントが作成されました。そして、そのアカウントをフォローし、コメントと電子メールアドレスを残してくれたユーザーに 1,000 ドルずつ進呈すると謳っています。

図 1. 実際の宝くじ当選者になりすました Instagram アカウント

宝くじ当選者になりすましたアカウントの成功率はきわめて高く、5,000 ~ 10,000 人程度のフォロワーを獲得しています。

一定数のフォロワーを集めると、今度は当選者たちの「会計士」と称する人物の Instagram アカウントが登場します。この会計士が 1,000 ドルの送金を担当するということになっていますが、そこに罠が仕掛けられています。

図 2. 偽「会計士」のプロフィールが金銭を要求してくる

上の図では、「会計士」のプロフィールを名乗る人物が、大手の決済処理サービスを使って 0.99 ドルを送金するよう Instagram ユーザーに求めています。小切手を送るための郵送費用という名目です。

図 3. 宝くじ詐欺に引っかかってしまったユーザー

警戒すべき要素がたくさんあったにもかかわらず、この詐欺は成功を収めており、各アカウントが数千人のフォロワーを集めました。フォローしたユーザーは喜んで電子メールアドレスを公開し、一部のユーザーは郵送費用の負担分として 0.99 ドルを実際に支払っています。


図 4. Instagram のなりすましアカウントが、フォロワー数を減らして再登場


これらのアカウントが偽物であることは明らかですが、Instagram アカウントをフォローするだけで 1,000 ドルが手に入ると信じ込むユーザーは後を絶ちません。




* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

???????????????????????????? Instagram ??

先週、Instagram を悪用する詐欺師から、宝くじに当選したと称して、その当選金をフォロワーに進呈すると騙る画像が投稿されました。詐欺師はユーザーを欺いてこの投稿を共有させ、個人情報を引き出したり、さらには詐欺師への送金を求めたりします。

この詐欺では、英国と米国の現実の宝くじ当選者になりすますために多数の Instagram アカウントが作成されました。そして、そのアカウントをフォローし、コメントと電子メールアドレスを残してくれたユーザーに 1,000 ドルずつ進呈すると謳っています。

図 1. 実際の宝くじ当選者になりすました Instagram アカウント

宝くじ当選者になりすましたアカウントの成功率はきわめて高く、5,000 ~ 10,000 人程度のフォロワーを獲得しています。

一定数のフォロワーを集めると、今度は当選者たちの「会計士」と称する人物の Instagram アカウントが登場します。この会計士が 1,000 ドルの送金を担当するということになっていますが、そこに罠が仕掛けられています。

図 2. 偽「会計士」のプロフィールが金銭を要求してくる

上の図では、「会計士」のプロフィールを名乗る人物が、大手の決済処理サービスを使って 0.99 ドルを送金するよう Instagram ユーザーに求めています。小切手を送るための郵送費用という名目です。

図 3. 宝くじ詐欺に引っかかってしまったユーザー

警戒すべき要素がたくさんあったにもかかわらず、この詐欺は成功を収めており、各アカウントが数千人のフォロワーを集めました。フォローしたユーザーは喜んで電子メールアドレスを公開し、一部のユーザーは郵送費用の負担分として 0.99 ドルを実際に支払っています。


図 4. Instagram のなりすましアカウントが、フォロワー数を減らして再登場


これらのアカウントが偽物であることは明らかですが、Instagram アカウントをフォローするだけで 1,000 ドルが手に入ると信じ込むユーザーは後を絶ちません。




* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

HeartBleed, OpenSSL and Symantec Email & Web Security

By now you should be well aware of the vulnerability CVE-2014-0160, nicknamed HeartBleed, that exists in a number of versions of OpenSSL – an extremely popular open source cryptographic library.
Yesterday, we provided some guidance on st…

Instagram Scam: Lottery Winners Impersonated to Offer Money for Followers

Over the last few days, Instagram scammers have been posting images offering fake lottery winnings to followers. They have convinced users to share the posts, give up personal information, and even send money back to the scammers.

In this scam, a number of Instagram accounts have been created to impersonate real-life lottery winners from the UK and US. These accounts claim to offer US$1,000 to each Instagram user who follows them and leaves a comment with their email address.

Figure 1. Instagram accounts impersonating real-life lottery winners

The accounts impersonating lottery winners have been extremely successful, and have gained anywhere from 5,000 to 100,000 followers.

Once they have amassed a certain number of followers, they reveal a secondary Instagram account belonging to their “accountant”, who is in charge of delivering the US$1,000 to users—with a catch.

Figure 2. Fake “accountant” profiles asking users for money

The previous figure shows the “accountant” profiles asking Instagram users to send US$0.99 through a large payment processing service to cover the postage fees for mailing out the checks.

Figure 3. Users who have fallen for the lottery scam

Even though a number of red flags were present for users, the scam has proven to be a success. Each account has gained thousands of followers, with users willingly divulging their email addresses, and some users sending scammers US$0.99 for the supposed postage fees.

The main goal of this scam campaign was to collect accounts with thousands of followers for personal use or resale. During our research, we also found that user names associated with some of the impersonation accounts had performed an account pivot. This means the avatar, user name, and user biography section were changed to preserve the account from being flagged for spam. This allowed the scammers to continue to use or sell the account.

Figure 4. Instagram impersonation accounts have reappeared with fewer followers

Shortly after the account pivot, the impersonation accounts reappeared, but with fewer followers than before. One of the accounts even claimed that it was “hacked” and asked followers to be patient.

It’s clear that these accounts are fraudulent, but users continue to believe that they will be given US$1000 just for following Instagram accounts.

Symantec advises users with the following precautions:

  • Do not believe everything you read, especially on social networking sites
  • Be skeptical when you come across such offers. As we have previously pointed out, free stuff on social networks is not free
  • Do not willingly give up personal information
  • Do not send money to somebody you do not know or trust

Always remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Using Symantec Web Gateway to protect user-owned tablets and smartphones from Internet threats

The increased use in the workplace of user-owned devices such as smartphones and tablets, often referred to as bring your own device (BYOD), provides businesses with significant productivity and cost benefits. However, it also presents a number of comp…

Symantec Email Submission Client (SESC) 1.0: NOW AVAILABLE


My last post back in October 2011 introduced the beta program for a new application for our messaging security customers.
I’m delighted to announce that we achieved our Generally Available (GA) milestone yesterday on March 19th meaning that the Symantec Email Submission Client is now available for all of our customers to download and install.  This is my first “1.0” product release so I’m particularly excited to see this product ship 🙂
Did I mention that this is provided at no extra charge?  Yup, free.
We had some excellent beta participants in this cycle, ranging from large enterprise customers to small businesses and we got some fantastic real world feedback which helped us ship an even better product than we originally scoped.
So, what is SESC?
The Symantec Email Submission Client (SESC) enables messaging administrators to streamline their process and procedures around one of the highest help desk call generators – missed spam.
Without blocking ALL email, no mail security vendor can claim to have a 100% catch rate.  Despite having an externally verified and market leading catch rate, Symantec understands that customers want to be able to report missed spam to us so that we are able to prevent the same spam attack hitting them again.
The SESC has been designed with the end user in mind, with the goal of making it SIMPLE TO SUBMIT.
Awesome! How does it work?
SESC integrates with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and 2010, utilising the flexible Exchange Web Services (EWS) platform to provide native support for all rich Exchange clients including Outlook, Outlook:Mac, OWA and Exchange enabled mobile devices.
By integrating directly with the backend of the messaging system, customers can avoid the costly admin overhead associated with deploying a plug-in or client to endpoint devices.
Because of the way EWS works, we are able to recommend that SESC is installed to a non-Exchange server so that there is no additionaly CPU burden placed on your mission critical infrastructure.  You can run SESC on any Windows 2008 R2 server, both physical or virtual (VMware ESX/ESXi or MS Hyper-V) are supported too.
What about the user experience?
Like I said, we want this to be as simple as possible and actually aimed to make it easier than deleting an item from your Exchange client.
To submit missed spam (aka false negatives) to Symantec, end-users simply move the offending message to an special folder in their mailbox.
This folder name is fully configurable by Administrators, who also have absolute control over which users are enabled for submissions.  Using their existing Active Directory infrastructure, Administrators can use pre-existing or new Groups or OU’s as well a providing a custom LDAP query to opt-in the users.
There are two working modes for SESC, Moderated Submissions and Direct Submissions.
With Direct Submission mode, every message moved to the submission folder by an end-user is submitted to Symantec.
With Moderated Mode, Administrators can delegate an approval process to one or more users.  In this mode, the end-user moves the message to the submission folder as normal.  This message is then made available to the ‘approval’ user who can decide whether the message should be submitted to Symantec or not.
This is particularly useful where data privacy may be a concern.
With SESC, customers no longer have to use the existing and rather convoluted method of submission; which involves supplying the entire missed spam message as an RFC822 attachment to ANOTHER email and sending it to the correct email address at Symantec.
The Symantec Email Submission Client is available today for the following products:
  • Symantec Messaging Gateway
  • Symantec Mail Security for Exchange
Simply sign into http://fileconnect.symantec.com and download the installer.
Note: Symantec Protection Suite Enterprise Edition customers will be able to download SESC from Fileconnnect from April 2012.
There are some really fantastic extensions to our submissions process coming in the next release of Symantec Messaging Gateway which not only extend the functionality of SESC but also help to improve your protection even more.  What’s more, the beta for Symantec Messaging Gateway 10 is due to kick off in May 2012 – if you are interested in participating please get in touch either in the comments below or you can email me ian_mcshane@symantec.com.
I’m excited to get more feedback as we start to think about the next releases of SESC so please do download, install it, check it out and let me know what you think either in the comments or directly by email.
Ian McShane
Senior Product Manager | Messaging & Web Security
Endpoint & Mobility | Symantec

Symantec Protection for Sharepoint Servers 6.0 Beta

I’m excited to announce that the beta program has started for our next release of Symantec Protection for Sharepoint Servers.

You can sign up to this beta at this link : https://symbeta.symantec.com/callout/default.html?callid=8A18C6447CE54D99AD4ADEBCC28E7F9C


With this release, you’ll see new features such as:


  1. Completely new quarantine management functionality available through the UI.
  2. Brand new user interface.
  3. Simple export & import of configuration, settings and policies to enable quick and easy disaster recovery as well as roll out your policies to multiple farms in a quick and efficient manner.
This release supports the following platforms:
  • Windows® SharePoint® Services 2.0 (WSS 2.0)
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0)
  • SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS 2003)
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007 (MOSS 2007)
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2010

We’re looking forward to your feedback!



Symantec Web Gateway 5.0 – Forward Thinking Protection against Advanced Threats

I am pleased to announce that Symantec Web Gateway 5.0 is now available!  Nearly half of our production deployments have already upgraded to the new version and the software is now available to all customers. 
This release brings not only a s…