Tag Archives: scam


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不思議なことに、電子メールには実際の英国赤十字社の Web サイトへのリンクがありますが、MoneyGram または Western Union の送金サービスを使って 500 英ポンド(約 76,000 円)を寄付するよう促しています。


募金を考えている方は、必ず正規の Web サイトを通じて送金するようご注意ください。



* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Cynical Spammers Exploit Deepening Syria Crisis

As the international community coordinates its response to the deepening crisis in Syria, scammers have once again demonstrated their skill at using current, high-profile events to their advantage. We have previously covered these methods in regards to Egypt, Libya, and the Rugby World Cup.

We recently identified a scam message that claimed to be from The Red Cross. The message explains how the conflict is creating a humanitarian crisis and urges people to support The Red Cross and The Red Crescent.


Curiously, the email includes a link to the actual British Red Cross website, but urges that donations over £500 GBP ($775 USD) be sent through MoneyGram or Western Union money transfer services.

The British Red Cross does currently have an appeal for donations for victims of the conflict in Syria but it does not use these payment services.

Anyone considering supporting charities should be cautious and make sure that they are using the charity’s official website.

We have also seen other scams claiming to be from people in Syria, looking for help in moving money out of the country, ostensibly to protect their wealth or to start up a business. These scams promise a share of the sender’s vast fortune and use the seriousness of the situation to try to solicit a prompt reply. Remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

The Dangers of a Royal Baby: Scams Abound

Big news stories are always an opportunity for scammers and spammers, who attempt to redirect users to malicious exploit kits or other unwanted services. Britain’s royal baby is the latest news to offer cover for malware. We have already found a lot of spam messages regarding the birth and baby that lead users to the Read more…

BET ? VIP ????????????????? Twitter ???

先日、私の好きなバンドが、Twitter でコンサートの無料チケットに当選しました。これは、他の Twitter ユーザーから受け取ったメッセージについてのツイートでした。

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図 1. コンサートの無料チケットについて皮肉るツイート


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図 2. スパムアカウントが特定のツイートに返信

ソーシャルネットワーク上で謳われる無料提供と、それが無料ではない実態については、1 年以上前にブログでお伝えしました。こうした偽のアカウントは、特定のキーワードをツイートしたユーザーに対して、デバイスやギフトカードを無料で進呈すると称していました。今回のケースでは、このバンドがアルバムオブザイヤー(AOTY)の選定についてツイートし、その中でカニエ・ウェストの名前を出しました。この「カニエ・ウェスト」という名前が、ランダムな偽アカウントによって監視されているキーワードとして使われていたために、無料チケット進呈というツイートが返信されたのです。Twitter でアーチストの名前(カニエ・ウェスト、J コール、ジェイ・Z、ビヨンセなど)をツイートすると、こうした詐欺ツイートを受け取る可能性があります。

106 & Park は、BET(ブラックエンターテインメントテレビジョン)で平日に放送されているミュージックビデオのカウントダウン番組です。この番組は公式の Twitter アカウントを持っており、フォロワー数は 500 万人以上、ツイート数は 13,000 を超えています。偽の Twitter アカウントは、公式のロゴと背景画像を使って正規アカウントに偽装していますが、通常、こうした偽 Twitter アカウントにはフォロワーがおらず、ツイート数もわずかなため、詐欺であることは一目瞭然です。

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図 3. 106 & Park の公式 Twitter アカウント

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図 4. 106 & Park の偽 Twitter アカウント


このリンクをクリックすると、BET ブランドについて詳しく書かれたページにリダイレクトされ、最近の有名アーチストの画像が表示されます。

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図 5. 無料チケット詐欺のランディングページ

[CLAIM MY VIP TICKETS(VIP チケットを受け取る)]ボタンをクリックすると、ユーザーの個人情報を要求するページにリダイレクトされます。ところが、この情報を詐欺師が受け取っている様子はなく、どちらかというと、この無料チケットプレゼントを正規のものらしく見せる体裁だけが目的のようです。

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図 6. VIP 向けプレゼントページで個人情報が要求される

同じページにモバイルデバイスからアクセスした場合には、いくつかのアプリの中から 1 つをインストールするように指示されます。これは、この手の詐欺でアフィリエイトプログラムを通じて金銭を稼ごうとする手法のひとつで、詐欺師は、最近になってこうしたモバイル向けアフィリエイトプログラムを使い始めています。ごく最近では、Twitter の動画共有サービスである Vine のユーザーが狙われた例もあります。

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図 7. アプリのインストールを求めるモバイル向けアフィリエイトプログラム

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図 8. ワンダイレクションとジャスティン・ビーバーのコンサートの無料チケット進呈を謳う偽ページ



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図 9. リアーナの「ダイアモンド・ツアー」の無料チケット進呈を謳う偽ページ

現時点で、このようなタイプの詐欺を拡散している偽の Twitter アカウントは数百あります。最も顕著なのがコンサートチケット詐欺ですが、以下のように、他の餌を使って、これとまったく同様の詐欺も確認されています。

  • スポーツジムやワークアウトについてツイートしたユーザーを狙った、無料の運動器具の提供
  • 暇を持て余していることをツイートしたユーザーを狙った、5,000 ドル宝くじへの参加
  • 仕事や求人についてツイートしたユーザーを狙った、専用の求人データベースへのアクセス

Twitter を使っていて、このように賞品が当選したと称するツイートを受け取った場合は、まず怪しいと疑うべきです。リンクはクリックしないように注意し、Twitter 社に偽アカウントを報告してください。



* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

BET VIP Concert Ticket Scam Spreading on Twitter

This weekend one of my favorite bands won free concert tickets on Twitter. They tweeted about the message they received from another Twitter user.

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Figure 1. Sarcastic tweet about free concert tickets

This type of scam looked familiar from a security standpoint. Upon further investigation, we at Symantec Security Response confirmed these suspicions.

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Figure 2. Spam account replies to specific tweet

I wrote a blog about free stuff on social networks and how it was not free about a year ago. These fake accounts were offering free devices and free gift cards to users tweeting specific keywords. In this case, the band wrote about their albums of the year (AOTY) picks, which mentioned Kanye West in the tweet. His name was used as a keyword that a random fake account was monitoring, which led to a reply offering free concert tickets. If a Twitter user tweets the name of an artist (e.g., Kanye, J. Cole, Jay-Z, Beyoncé), they are likely to receive one of these tweets.

106 & Park is a music video countdown show that airs weekdays on BET (Black Entertainment Television). The show has an official Twitter account that has over 5 million followers and over 13,000 tweets. The fake Twitter accounts are using the official logo and background image to try to convince users that they are legitimate. However, these fake Twitter accounts typically have no followers and only a couple of tweets, making it obvious that this is a scam.

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Figure 3. Official 106 & Park Twitter account

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Figure 4. Fake 106 & Park Twitter account

One thing to note here is that unlike before, these scam accounts are not providing a direct link to users in their reply. Instead, they are asking users to visit their profile page in order to click on a link in their profile bio.

Users that click on this link will be directed to a page that contains more BET branding, featuring images of some of today’s most well-known artists.

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Figure 5. Free ticket scam landing page

Clicking on the “CLAIM MY VIP TICKETS” button on a computer leads users to a page that requests personal information from the user. However, it does not appear that this information is captured by the scammers. Rather, this is for cosmetic purposes, to make it appear as though this free ticket offer is legitimate.

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Figure 6. V.I.P. Giveaway page requests personal information

If users visit the same page from a mobile phone, they are asked to install one out of a choice of several applications instead. This is one way to make money from a scam like this, through affiliate programs, and scammers have just recently started using these mobile affiliate programs. One of the most recent examples targeted users of Twitter’s video sharing service, Vine.

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Figure 7. Mobile affiliate program for app installation

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Figure 8. Fake page offering free tickets to One Direction and Justin Bieber concerts

Similar scam tweets

In recent months, fans tweeting about pop stars One Direction, Justin Bieber, and Rihanna or their respective tours received the same type of scam tweets. In these cases, the landing pages for the scams asked them to fill out surveys, another common method scammers use to monetize these campaigns.

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Figure 9. Fake page offering free tickets to Rihanna’s Diamonds tour

Right now, there are hundreds of fake accounts on Twitter spreading these types of scams. The most prominent one is the concert ticket scam. However, we are also seeing this exact type of scam with other lures, including:

  • Free exercise equipment for users tweeting about the gym or working out
  • Entry in a prize sweepstakes for $5,000 for users tweeting about being bored
  • Access to an exclusive jobs database for users tweeting about work or jobs

If you’re a Twitter user and you receive a message claiming that you’re the winner of one of these prizes, you should immediately question it, be wary about clicking on any links, and report these fake accounts to Twitter.

When it comes to being a modern fan, if you’re offered free concert tickets, be very skeptical. Check the official social media accounts for the brands or artists to verify and if you’re still not sure, recognize that it is likely a scam.

The 4 sneakiest Facebook scams

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Millions of people use social networks like Facebook and Twitter every day to share photos, comments, and ideas with their friends and followers. These popular platforms have become magnets for cybercrooks and are used to spread different types of scams. Hackers take advantage of the easy accessibility of data we put online to manipulate or […]


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教育機関の Web サイトを複製
偽の Web ページは正規サイトとほとんど変わりませんが、悪質なスクリプトが埋め込まれていたり、大学の連絡先情報が偽物だったりすることもあります。偽ページにあるリンクも、本物のリンクを真似たものです。受験生が検索エンジンで大学を検索すると、検索結果には偽 Web ページのリンクが表示される可能性があります。そのようなリンクをクリックすると、悪質なフィッシングページに誘導されてしまいます。

図 1. 「北京経済管理学院」と称するフィッシングサイト


図 2. 正規のサイト

これは、「大学入試出願スマートカード」を購入するように受験生を欺く手口です。出願書類の記入にこのスマートカードを使えると謳うのが一般的ですが、大学の選び方といったスキルの学習に利用できる、あるいは出願用の練習フォームも付いたスキル評価に参加できると称している場合もあります。もちろん、実際の出願には省の正規の出願用 Web サイトを使う必要があり、それ以外の方法はありません。こうした、いわゆる「大学入試出願スマートカード」も、受験生を欺いて金銭を引き出そうとするワナです。

図 3. 「大学入試出願スマートカード」詐欺


図 4. 偽の入学ガイダンスサービス

大学入学試験で得点が足りなかった受験生に、入学の「近道」があると称する Web サイトも存在します。出願に必要な個人情報を送信するようにという説明が表示されますが、フォームに個人情報を入力すると、個人情報を盗み出されて営利目的に利用されてしまいます。

図 5. 大学入学の「近道」と称する偽の申請フォーム

フィッシングサイトのほとんどは、検索エンジン、フォーラム、教育相談サイトなどを使って詐欺を拡散しています。受験生や保護者の方は疑わしい URL をクリックしないようにしてください。特に、大学入試の出願中には注意が必要です。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Phishers Target College Candidates in China

After the annual National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), Chinese high school graduates are now busy choosing a college and filling out college applications. The college picks are no trivial matter; it determines matriculation.

Phishers also do not want to miss out on this event and the opportunity to profit. If a candidates’ personal information is stolen by phishers, the victim and their parents can expect to receive a large number of spam messages or annoying phone calls—including civil college and overseas educational agencies advertising, or even attempts at financial fraud. Phishing websites may even make a candidate mistakenly think they have completed an application to a college—but, actually, they did not—which directly affects the candidate’s future at this important juncture in their life. In addition, the candidate’s information will be sold for profit to overseas educational agencies, fake credentials makers, or re-application services.

Phishers may use the following tricks:

Clone an educational website
The fake Web page is almost identical with the real one, except it includes embedded malicious script or the university contact information is fake. The links on this fake page will mimic the real one. When a candidate searches for a university through a search engine, the link of a fake Web page may appear in the search results. If the candidate clicks any links, they may be lead to a malicious phishing page.

Figure 1. Phishing site, “Beijing Economic Management Institute”


Figure 2. Legitimate site

Scam “smart” cards
This trick entices candidates to buy a “college entrance application smart card”. This fake offer usually claims the smart card is used for completing the college entrance applications forms. The smart card is promoted to also provide access to learning skills like how to choose a college, or offer participation in a skills assessment along with helpful practice forms for college application. However, real college applications can only be achieved through legitimate educational websites of provinces, not any other way. These so-called “college entrance application smart cards” are just traps to fool people and obtain money them.

Figure 3. “College entrance application smart card” scam

Fake enrollment guidance service
This kind of website phishing entices candidates to pay for a service. However, when the user actually pays they will not get any guidance at all, just a loss of their money.

Figure 4. Fake enrollment guidance service

Alternative application process
Some websites may claim they can supply a “short cut” to admission for candidates who do not score highly in the college entrance exams. These websites display a notification asking users to submit their personal information for the application. If users fill out the form with their personal information, phishers will have stolen it for profit.

Figure 5. Fake “short cut” application for college admission

Most of the phishing websites use search engines, forums, or education advisory websites to promote these scams. We suggest candidates and their parents not click any suspicious URLs and be especially cautious during applications to college.

Cybercrooks use vacation posts to scam family members

Summertime means vacation time, and many of us brag share our plans on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. A recent survey by MoneyGram found that nearly one-third of consumers aged 18-49 post details about their vacations on social media before or during their trip, essentially broadcasting to the world when they will be […]

Social Network Scam Targets NBA Finals

For sports fans, the most exciting time of the year is the post season. It is when the underdogs have a chance to topple the better teams in the league, or last year’s champions are trying to win it again. Depending on the sport, these events can draw a lot of viewers, whether it is a single event or a seven game series. So, its no surprise there are sites that claim to offer fans the ability to watch these events online.

Right now, we are in the midst of the NBA finals pitting some of the finest players in the league against each other in their quest to win it all. The series was just tied 2-2 before Game 5 on Sunday. On that day, some Facebook users may have seen pages offering a free live stream of the game.


Figure 1. Free live NBA Finals stream posted on Facebook

Facebook users may also see posts about NBA Finals live streams linking to a page hosted on Tumblr.


Figure 2. Free live NBA Finals stream page on Tumblr

When a user selects “YES I AGREE” on the Tumblr page they are redirected back to Facebook and asked to install an NBAFinals Facebook application.


Figure 3. Scam NBAFinals Facebook app, permissions request

This Facebook application requests access to your profile, friends list, and email address. If a user grants permission, the application will request more permissions.


Figure 4. Scam NBAFinals Facebook app requests additional permissions

In addition to posting to your friends on your behalf, the scam Facebook application requests more permissions that do not make any sense for an application to have in order to enjoy free live streaming, such as access to manage your Facebook pages.

Even worse, after the application installs, users are redirected to another Tumblr site and asked to spread the scam on Facebook before proceeding.


Figure 5. Scam NBA Finals site asks users to share on Facebook


Figure 6. NBA Finals scam spreads on Facebook

For the user, after all this, there is no live stream presented. Instead, users will see a video player that doesn’t work. Clicks on the video player redirects users to a plugin install page that earns the scammers money through affiliate links.


Figure 7. NBA Finals scam page contains no live stream

There are some references in the final page to other sites that claim to offer live streams of the game. These pages are not official however, and these types of streaming sites are prohibited.

For the scammers, getting the user to install their Facebook application keeps the scam going because the application posts messages to your timeline on your behalf.


Figure 8. Scam NBAFinals app timeline post on Facebook

In cooperation with Symantec, Tumblr has removed the sites associated with this scam and we have reported the application to Facebook.

Users should be aware which applications they install on Facebook, especially when looking for special features or access to websites that offer live sport streams. If it seems suspicious, most likely it is.