The security stakes only seem to be rising when it comes to the threats that affect us as modern-day consumers. Over the past year, we have seen a list of notable mobile threats that put people’s privacy at risk. Previously unseen vulnerabilities surfaced, such as Certifi-gate and Stagefright, both of which can be exploited […]
Tech support scammers may have bolstered their arsenal by using the Nuclear exploit kit to drop ransomware onto victims’ computers.Read More
A look at some of the possible ways your new smart TV could be the subject of cyberattacks.Read More
Security Response News
Android ,
botnet ,
click-fraud ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Endpoint Protection (AntiVirus) ,
Firefox OS ,
Internet of Things ,
IoT ,
man-in-the-middle ,
privacy ,
Ransomware ,
security ,
Security Response ,
smart TV ,
Tizen ,
Update Denial ,
Symantec analysis confirms that in the wrong hands, Mabouia ransomware could be used to attack Macs.Read More
Security Response News
Apple ,
Endpoint Protection (AntiVirus) ,
Mabouia ,
Mac ,
os x ,
OSX.Ransomcrypt ,
proof of concept ,
Ransomcrypt ,
Ransomware ,
security ,
Security Response
Android.Lockdroid.E は、Google のデザイン言語とオープンソースプロジェクトを利用して、身代金を支払うようユーザーを欺こうとしています。Read More
Android.Lockdroid.E uses Google’s design principles and a popular open-source project to trick users into paying its ransom.Read More
間もなくリリースされる Android 6.0、「Marshmallow」における最新の更新で、モバイルランサムウェアが画面ロックの機能を実装することは困難になります。Read More
Recent updates in the upcoming Android 6.0, a.k.a. Marshmallow, will challenge mobile ransomware’s ability to lock screens.Read More
在即將推出的 Android 6.0 (也稱為「棉花糖 (Marshmallow)」中的最新更新程式將挑戰勒索程式鎖住畫面的能力。Read More