Tag Archives: phishing

Get Smart?Lock Down Your Apps

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Apps are what make smartphones smart. Without apps, smartphones would just be regular feature phones. Apps are what make our smartphones into our most personal computers. And like our computers, we need to protect our smartphones and apps. Some of the most commonly used apps on the Android platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Gmail Read more…

What’s on Your Phone? A Lot More than You Realize.

It’s funny to me that when having conversations about technology people still don’t see the parallel between their smartphone and their computer. Today, smartphone are connected to the Internet and have much of the same information as the personal computer, if not more. Now Androids and other smartphones have become little mini handheld computers. Carriers Read more…

Online Shopping – How To Avoid The Bad So You Can Enjoy The Good!

There is a very big part of me that truly believes online shopping was created in heaven for busy parents. I mean, what is not to love? No carpark wars, ridiculous register queues or sweaty scrambles to secure that ‘must have’ Xbox game. It really is the best Christmas present ever! And it seems more Read more…

How To Prevent Your Emails Being Hacked

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I have a fabulous friend called Rebecca*. Not only is she smart and clever but she is all class. Now, I had thought that I knew this friend particularly well but when I started receiving emails from her regarding a certain part of the male body that could be enlarged and promising ‘staying power’, I Read more…

The Seventh Scam of Christmas, Phishing and SMiShing!

For the Seventh Scam of Christmas the criminals gave to me phishing – but the big phish is me! My father in law mentioned that he got an email saying that he had a package that they couldn’t deliver and he wondered what to do. The answer is nothing! This is a classic scam and Read more…


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2 日ほど前から、シマンテックは悪質な脅威の拡散を狙った電子メール攻撃の急増を確認しています。確認されたサンプルはすべて、UPS または Post Express から送られてくる、配送に関する正規の注意メッセージや通知を偽装しています。メッセージの本文では、荷物を受け取るためには詳しい情報や処理が必要であるとして、ZIP 形式で圧縮された実行可能ファイルを開くように求めます。


差出人: “United Parcel Service” <info***3@ups.com>
差出人: “UPS Customer Services(UPS カスタマーサービス)”<***@secureserver.net>
差出人: “United Parcel Service” <***@dhl.com>
差出人: “Neil Molina” United Parcel Service <[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Kimberley Miner” United Parcel Service <[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>

件名: United Parcel Service notification 40983(UPS 通知 40983)
件名: Delivery Status(配送状況)
件名: UPS: Your Package(UPS: 荷物)
件名: United Parcel Service notification(UPS 通知)
件名: United Postal Service Tracking Nr.(UPS 追跡番号)

差出人: “Post Express Support(Post Express サポート)” <postmail-int[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Information(Post Express 情報)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Report(Post Express レポート)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Office(Post Express オフィス)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Information(Post Express 情報)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>

件名: Post Express Office. Package is available for pickup. NR03909(Post Express オフィス: 集荷準備中 NR03909)
件名: Post Express Office. Delivery refuse. NR4245855(Post Express オフィス: 配送拒否 NR4245855)
件名: Post Express Office. Track your parcel. NR06678(Post Express オフィス: 荷物追跡 NR06678)
件名: Post Express Office. Error in the delivery address. NR4061172(Post Express オフィス: 送付先住所の間違い NR4061172)
件名: Post Express Office. Get the parcel NR31215(Post Express オフィス: 荷物 NR31215 をお受け取りください)


UPS tracking number.exeTrojan.FakeAV として検出)
UPS notify.exeBackdoor.Cycbot として検出)
Post_Express_Label.exeTrojan.Sasfis として検出)

以下に、スパムの例を 2 つ示します。


シマンテックがこの攻撃を詳しく解析したところ、悪質な電子メールは世界各地から送信されており、それが急増したのは Rustock の活動停止後にスパマーがボットネットを再構築しているためであると判明しました。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。