Tag Archives: Internet Safety

Change Your Password Day – Get Onboard!

Get out your diary, there is another day that you have to work into the schedule – Change Your Password Day! And no – there is no obligation to buy a flower, pin or a wristband – not that I ever have a problem with purchasing them! Tuesday 7 May 2013 is Change Your Password Read more…

How To Avoid Buying a Pretend Puppy

Our crazy dog Harley is such an important part of our family. He holidays with us, eats with us and has even been sprung sleeping on the boys’ beds! Shocking, I know! Harley was a spontaneous purchase from a local pet shop about 5 years ago, however the ‘times they are a-changin’. Many families now Read more…

How To Remember Your Passwords (And Not Have An IQ of 200!!)

Regardless of your IQ remembering your personal collection of passwords is hard work. With experts telling us we need a different password for each site and that we then need to change them every 6 months, well – it all becomes too hard!! There is absolutely no doubt that a strong and complex password is Read more…

Social Media in the Classroom – What Do You Think?

As a parent, you may have mixed view about social media. You may LOVE it when checking out fashion or recipe boards on Pinterest but HATE it when your teen refuses to get off Facebook at 10pm on a school night. But regardless of your opinion – there is no denying that social media is Read more…

The Annual Social Media Clean-Up

My four boys detest cleaning up. The groans, grunts and comments come thick and fast: “No-one else’s mother makes them clean up like you do”. “I’m sure the UN would consider this illegal – it’s forced child labour”. Well, too bad boys – clean-ups are here to stay!! But with school holidays just a few Read more…

HELP – My Child is an Online Bully…

Some days my children make me proud and other days, well – let’s just say they give me palpitations! But after 16 years in the job, I have resigned myself to the fact that the big highs and big lows are just part of the parenting rollercoaster ride. But as far as lows go – Read more…

Is Facebook Making You Feel A Little Down?

Now – it is essential that you are totally honest with me. Promise! So, tell me – do the Facebook photos of your friends’ holidays and ‘fabulous’ social gatherings make you feel a little down or de-energised? Does the talk of restaurants and over-achieving children ever make you feel jealous? Well, if your answer is Read more…

How To Keep Your Teen’s Private Data Safe When They Are ‘In Lurve’!!!!!

Teen love can be all consuming. And don’t say you don’t remember – we’ve all gone through it! The world stops. Nothing else matters (particularly not school work). Love takes over… You are Sitting On Top Of The World (to use Delta Goodrem’s expression!) When you are in love (and not particularly worldly) you may Read more…

Should Schools Teach Social Media Skills?

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Now, I am not a risk taker, but I would challenge anyone to find an Aussie teen who hasn’t embraced social media. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, the digital world is the teens’ playground. Our teens are often described as digital natives – they’ve never known life without the online world. They seem Read more…

Oops – Have You Forgotten to Secure Your Devices?

Isn’t Christmas and the school holidays a whirlwind? Between holiday ‘catch-ups’, the very intense family schedule and New Year’s celebrations, it can be a wonderful yet often exhausting time. Sometime it is hard to find a moment to think! But now school has begun and the dust has settled. Phew! So, I have to ask Read more…