Tag Archives: Endpoint Protection (AntiVirus)

When Unicorns Breach your Security

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Last week a purple unicorn (a stuffed one, not a real one) generated some confusion at a border station in Turkey. According to this article, a family including their nine year old daughter, travelling across the Turkish border accidentally used the stuffed unicorn’s toy passport instead of the daughter’s real passport. The officer checked the passport, officially stamped it, and then let them through. At this point, the story deviates based on the source. Immigration said that the officer just wanted to be kind to the girl and forgot to stamp the real passport too. The family reports that there was no hesitation and that their daughter may have just have slipped through.

This story serves as a good reminder that security measures are only as good as their implementation. From crypto-graphical functions implemented with static initialization vectors, to passwords that are derived from public MAC addresses, to Web applications with poor session management that can be bypassed by calling the API directly. There are many examples throughout history of secure technology that actually had large, gaping security holes once they had been implemented. These examples do not even consider products that are implemented properly, but are not configured correctly or suitably integrated into the process so that the log files are never read.

If you are implementing security functions, ensure that you do it properly. Follow coding standards and play the attack scenario through. If you install security products, make sure that you configure them to your needs. Take note, if you do not pay attention to the details, you might be overrun by purple unicorns.

FakeAV holds Android Phones for Ransom

FakeAV software is a type of scam using malware that intentionally misrepresents the security status of a computer and attempts to convince the user to purchase a full version of the software in order to remediate non-existing infections. Messages continue to pop up on the desktop until the payment is made or until the malware is removed. This type of fraud, which typically targets computers, began several years ago and has now become a household name. The scam has evolved over time and we are now seeing FakeAV threats making their way onto Android devices. One interesting variant we have come across, detected by Symantec as Android.Fakedefender, locks up the device just like Ransomware. Ransomware is another well-known type of malware that takes a computer hostage, by denying the user access to their files for example, until a payment/ransom is handed over.


Figure 1. Screenshot of FakeAV Android app

Once the malicious app has been installed, user experience varies as the app has compatibility issues with various devices. However, many users will not have the capability to uninstall the malicious app as the malware will attempt to prevent other apps from being launched. The threat will also change the settings of the operating system. In some cases users may not even be able to perform a factory data reset on the device and will be forced to do a hard reset which involves performing specific key combinations and/or connecting the device to a computer in order to perform a reset using software provided by the manufacturer. If they are lucky, some users may be able to perform a simple uninstall due to the fact that the app may crash when executed because of compatibility issues.

Please take a look at the following video to see how FakeAV can lock up a device.


Default Chromeless Player

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We may soon see FakeAV on the Android platform increase to become a serious issue just like it did on computers. These threats may be difficult to get rid of once installed, so the key to staying protected against them is preventing them from getting on to your device in the first place. We recommend installing a security app, such as Norton Mobile Security or Symantec Mobile Security, on your device. Malicious apps can also be avoided by downloading and installing apps from trusted sources. For general safety tips for smartphones and tablets, please visit our Mobile Security website.

Symantec detects this malware as Android.Fakedefender.

Prepare for #OpPetrol

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On June 20, Anonymous will launch the #OpPetrol campaign. It was announced on May 11, shortly after the campaign called #OpUSA began.

These types of attacks are often similar, as we have seen in previous operations, and may include:

  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
  • Hacking and defacing social media accounts or posting fake messages
  • Hacking and defacing organization websites or stealing information and posting it as “proof” of breach
  • Hacking organization servers and attempting sabotage, such as planting disk wiping malware

There are various ways attackers may target these organizations, including using tools like the LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) or phishing emails to trick recipients into revealing account login details.

Symantec advises organizations to be prepared for attacks in the coming days.

Organizations should monitor for unusual activities in their networks, particularly any attempts to breach the perimeters. Staff members should be specifically trained on social engineering mitigation tactics along with regular security awareness training. As always, we continue to stress the importance implementing a multi-layered approach to defense.

These recommendations apply to all organizations as best practices that should be carried out regularly as most attackers do not provide warnings in advance to targets.

Targeted Attack Exploits Ichitaro Vulnerability

JustSystems, developer of the Japanese word processor software called Ichitaro, recently announced a vulnerability (CVE-2013-3644) that has been exploited in the wild. Symantec has seen the exploitation being used in targeted attacks since May, but it…

Social Network Scam Targets NBA Finals

For sports fans, the most exciting time of the year is the post season. It is when the underdogs have a chance to topple the better teams in the league, or last year’s champions are trying to win it again. Depending on the sport, these events can draw a lot of viewers, whether it is a single event or a seven game series. So, its no surprise there are sites that claim to offer fans the ability to watch these events online.

Right now, we are in the midst of the NBA finals pitting some of the finest players in the league against each other in their quest to win it all. The series was just tied 2-2 before Game 5 on Sunday. On that day, some Facebook users may have seen pages offering a free live stream of the game.


Figure 1. Free live NBA Finals stream posted on Facebook

Facebook users may also see posts about NBA Finals live streams linking to a page hosted on Tumblr.


Figure 2. Free live NBA Finals stream page on Tumblr

When a user selects “YES I AGREE” on the Tumblr page they are redirected back to Facebook and asked to install an NBAFinals Facebook application.


Figure 3. Scam NBAFinals Facebook app, permissions request

This Facebook application requests access to your profile, friends list, and email address. If a user grants permission, the application will request more permissions.


Figure 4. Scam NBAFinals Facebook app requests additional permissions

In addition to posting to your friends on your behalf, the scam Facebook application requests more permissions that do not make any sense for an application to have in order to enjoy free live streaming, such as access to manage your Facebook pages.

Even worse, after the application installs, users are redirected to another Tumblr site and asked to spread the scam on Facebook before proceeding.


Figure 5. Scam NBA Finals site asks users to share on Facebook


Figure 6. NBA Finals scam spreads on Facebook

For the user, after all this, there is no live stream presented. Instead, users will see a video player that doesn’t work. Clicks on the video player redirects users to a plugin install page that earns the scammers money through affiliate links.


Figure 7. NBA Finals scam page contains no live stream

There are some references in the final page to other sites that claim to offer live streams of the game. These pages are not official however, and these types of streaming sites are prohibited.

For the scammers, getting the user to install their Facebook application keeps the scam going because the application posts messages to your timeline on your behalf.


Figure 8. Scam NBAFinals app timeline post on Facebook

In cooperation with Symantec, Tumblr has removed the sites associated with this scam and we have reported the application to Facebook.

Users should be aware which applications they install on Facebook, especially when looking for special features or access to websites that offer live sport streams. If it seems suspicious, most likely it is.


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寄稿: 篠塚大志


最近の調査で、シマンテックは Word13.exe という変わった名前のサンプルを発見しました。外見だけからすると、デジタル署名された Adobe 社製のファイルのように見えます。

Fake Certificate 4.jpg

図 1. Adobe 社の署名の付いた Word13.exe ファイル

Fake Certificate 1.png

図 2. 偽のデジタル署名のプロパティ


Fake Certificate 2.png

図 3. 偽の署名と証明書

これが偽物であることは、[発行者]フィールドに「Adobe Systems Incorporated」と書かれていることでわかります。Adobe 社は VeriSign 製品の顧客だからです。また、証明書の情報を見ると、CA ルート証明書を信頼できないこともわかり、これも決定的な証拠になります。

Fake Certificate 3.png

図 4. Adobe 社の正規の署名と証明書

シマンテックは、このファイルに対する保護対策を提供しており、Backdoor.Trojan として検出します。

Backdoor.Trojan は、自身を実行して iexplore.exe または notepad.exe にインジェクトし、バックドア機能を開始します。


  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \cap.dll
  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \mps.dll
  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \db.dat

また、ポート 3337 で以下のコマンド & コントロール(C&C)サーバーに接続します。

  • Icet****ach.com 


  • ユーザーとコンピュータの情報を盗み出す
  • フォルダを作成する
  • ファイルを作成、ダウンロード、削除、移動、検索、実行する
  • スクリーンショットを取得する
  • マウス機能をエミュレートする
  • Skype 情報を盗み出す

このマルウェアの被害を受けないように、ウイルス対策定義を常に最新の状態に保ち、ソフトウェアも定期的に更新するようにしてください。ダウンロードの URL が提示された場合には、必ずその URL を再確認し、必要に応じて念のために証明書と署名を確認してください。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Malware Using Fake Certificate to Evade Detection

Contributor: Hiroshi Shinotsuka

Malware authors are always seeking new ways to hone their craft.  As cybercriminals are facing a multitude of preventative technologies from Symantec and users are becoming more security conscious, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the bad guys to win.

Recently, during research, we came across an oddly named sample, Word13.exe. Upon first glance, it appears to be a digitally signed file from Adobe.

Fake Certificate 1.png

Figure 1. Fake digital signature properties

But upon closer inspection we found something very interesting.

Fake Certificate 2.png

Figure 2. Fake signature and certificate

It’s fake, as the “Issued By” field says “Adobe Systems Incorporated” – Adobe is a VeriSign customer. Also, in the certificate information, we see that the CA Root certificate is not trusted – another dead giveaway.

Fake Certificate 3.png

Figure 3. Legitimate Adobe signature and certificate

Symantec has protection in place and detects this file as Backdoor.Trojan.

Backdoor.Trojan will execute and inject itself into iexplore.exe or notepad.exe and start a back door function.

It may create following files:

  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \cap.dll
  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \mps.dll
  • %UserProfile%\Application Data\ aobecaps \db.dat

It connects to the following command-and-control (C&C) server on port 3337:

  • Icet****ach.com 

This back door may then perform the following actions:

  • Steal user and computer information
  • Create folders
  • Create, download, delete, move, search for, and execute files
  • Capture screenshots
  • Emulate mouse function
  • Steal Skype information

To ensure that you do not become a victim of this threat, please ensure that your antivirus definitions are always up-to-date and that your software packages are also regularly updated. Always double check the URL of the download that is being offered and, if applicable, check the certificate and signature just to be safe.

Microsoft Office ???? CVE-2013-1331 ??????

脆弱性が発見されてから悪用が出現するまでの時間は、ますます短くなっています。ときには、数時間ということさえあります。そのため、IT マネージャは実働システムへのパッチ適用を急がされ、品質保証に必要な設定管理やベストプラクティスに抵触してしまいます。新しいパッチや更新を常にリリースし続けることに四苦八苦している企業も少なくありません。

今月の第 2 火曜日、2013 年 6 月 11 日に、Microsoft 社は多くの脆弱性を対象とするセキュリティ情報(MS13-051)を公開しました。報告によると、その脆弱性のひとつが標的型攻撃に悪用されています。攻撃者は、スピア型フィッシング攻撃の一環として、特別に細工した添付ファイルを送信してこの脆弱性を悪用できてしまいます。

Microsoft Office の PNG ファイルに存在するバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性(CVE-2013-1331)、すなわち Microsoft Office に存在するリモートスタックベースのバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性によって、リモートでコードが実行されます。これは、Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac と、全 Windows プラットフォーム向けの Microsoft Office 2003 に影響することが確認されています。




  • Web Attack: Microsoft Office CVE-2013-1331 2
  • System Infected: Trojan Backdoor Activity 12

シマンテックは保護対策を強化するために、この脅威を継続的に監視し、対応ができしだい、該当の更新を提供する予定です。ウイルス定義対策を定期的に更新し、以下の Microsoft 製品の最新パッチをインストールすることをお勧めします。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

????????????? Apple ?? App Store ???

日本語のワンクリック詐欺アプリが Google Play に初めて姿を現したのは今年の初めでしたが、その後ほぼ毎日のように新しい亜種が出現するなど、今ではマーケットの常連になっています。同じ詐欺グループが他のモバイルプラットフォームも狙おうとしているのかどうかが気になったため、簡単に調査を実施しました。その結果、他のプラットフォームでワンクリック詐欺は見つかりませんでしたが、Apple 社の App Store でワンクリック詐欺アプリに似た手口を使う巧妙なアプリを発見しました。

このアプリは、起動すると特定の URL にアクセスし、そこにあるコンテンツをアプリ内で表示します。アプリ自体が、詐欺サイトのフレームとして動作しているようなものです。このアプリからは偽の出会い系サービスにリンクしていますが、このようなサイトは日本語で「サクラ」と呼ばれています。アダルトビデオのサービス料金を支払うようユーザーを欺こうとするワンクリック詐欺アプリとは、この点が異なっています。

App Store では、このアプリはゲームとして紹介されていて、英語のページでは確かに出会い系サービスと関係があるようには見えません。


図 1. 英語版の App Store

一方、日本語ページの紹介文では、このアプリがアダルト関連であることが示唆されています。日本語ページでは、ユーザーが 18 歳以上でなければならず、また一定期間だけ無料でダウンロードできると説明されています。


図 2. 日本語版の App Store

アプリをインストールして起動すると、そのデザインは App Store に似ています。


図 3. ダウンロード可能なように見えるアプリ



図 4. デバイスがネットワークに接続されていないときの表示

このアプリの中に表示されている、実際には存在しないアプリを開くと、デバイスのデフォルトブラウザで、各種の出会い系サービスサイトが表示されます。いずれもホストされているドメインは同じです。このドメインは、Android 版の同じ出会い系詐欺をホストしていることがすでに確認されている点に注目してください。


図 5. 詐欺で使われた出会い系の「サクラ」サイト


この迷惑アプリは、さまざまな理由で明らかに App Store のポリシーに違反しているため、すでに App Store から削除されています。そもそも、このアプリはいったいどうやって承認されたのでしょうか。フレームとして機能するだけなので、承認プロセスの間は別のコンテンツ、おそらくはゲーム関係のコンテンツを表示していたのかもしれません。これは詐欺グループにとっては大きな商売なので、詐欺を拡散するためにさまざまな手法を駆使しています。ダウンロード元にかかわらず、アプリをダウンロードするときには警戒が必要です。

以下のビデオでは、この詐欺の仕組みを紹介しています。ただし、ビデオの撮影に使ったのは Android デバイスです。

Default Chromeless Player

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* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Microsoft Office CVE-2013-1331 Coverage

The time between discovery of a vulnerability and the emergence of an exploit keeps getting shorter—sometimes a matter of only hours. This increases pressure on IT managers to rapidly patch production systems in conflict with configuration manage…