ロシアのサイバー犯罪者集団が 42 万カ所の Web サイトからユーザー名とパスワードを盗み取りました。パスワード以外の認証方法に目を向けるべき時かもしれません。
ロシアのサイバー犯罪者集団が 42 万カ所の Web サイトからユーザー名とパスワードを盗み取りました。パスワード以外の認証方法に目を向けるべき時かもしれません。
Russian cybercrime group stole user names and passwords from 420,000 sites. Perhaps it’s time to move on from the password.
Grupo de cibercriminosos russos roubou nomes de usuário e senhas de 420 mil sites. Talvez seja a hora de deixar de utilizar senhas.
Russian cybercrime group stole user names and passwords from 420,000 sites. Perhaps it’s time to move on from the password.
Self-tracking enthusiasts are generating a torrent of personal information through apps and devices. Is this data safe from prying eyes?
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Self-tracking enthusiasts are generating a torrent of personal information through apps and devices. Is this data safe from prying eyes?
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Entusiastas do automonitoramento estão gerando uma torrente de informações pessoais por meio de aplicativos e dispositivos. Esses dados e informações estão a salvo de olhares indesejados?
Los fans de las aplicaciones y dispositivos de monitoreo están generando gran cantidad de información personal sensible, ¿qué tan seguros están sus datos?
Last week during his keynote speech at the Interop IT conference, PayPal’s Chief Information Security Officer Michael Barrett pointed to a slide depicting a tombstone for passwords with the dates 1961-2013. According to Barrett, while passwords are still required for so many applications and services, they have simply outlived their usefulness. Barrett predicted that we Read more…