Bitcoin Boom Prompts Flood of Virtual Bank Robberies

The value of Bitcoin has surged dramatically in recent weeks, fuelling fears that a bubble is forming around the virtual currency. As investors pile in, a crash in Bitcoin prices isn’t the only thing they have to worry about. There has been a spate of incidents in recent weeks in which Bitcoin wallet and banking services have been attacked and millions of dollars worth of the currency stolen.

Bitcoin Thefts 1.png

Figure 1. Size of recent Bitcoin heists (US$ value on November 29)

Multi-million dollar heists

The current round of attacks began on November 7, when Australian Bitcoin wallet service announced that it had closed its doors after two attacks resulted in around 4,100 Bitcoins (US $4.34 million at the time of writing) being stolen. said the attackers were able to bypass two-factor authentication due to a flaw on the server host side. The attacks left the site unable to pay all of its user balances.

Why did people keep their Bitcoins with One of the services it offered was that it “mixed wallets up”, swapping Bitcoins around between users. It effectively was a type of anonymizing service, making Bitcoin transactions harder to track. However, giving that level of access to Bitcoin wallets may have left it more vulnerable to attack. was run by a young Australian who goes by the moniker of TradeFortress. Following the theft, he gave an interview to Australia’s ABC news, denying that he taken the Bitcoins himself. Interestingly, he said that he wasn’t going to report the incident to the police. “The police don’t have access to any more information than any user does when it comes to Bitcoin. Some say it gives them control of their money,” he said.

Within days, there was another incident, this time in China. GBL, a Bitcoin exchange, suddenly closed its doors on November 11. Approximately US $12.7 million in investors’ money disappeared along with the site. A closer look at GBL revealed that it wasn’t all it claimed to be. It asserted it was licensed by the Hong Kong government, but it transpired that it was simply registered as a business there and had no license to operate as a financial services company.

This incident was quickly followed by news of an attack on Czech exchange, Roughly 4,000 people were affected by the breach, which saw the equivalent of $514,000 taken by attackers. Obviously this haul wasn’t enough as the attackers then used email addresses to send emails to site users, claiming that they were using a U.S. recovery firm to retrieve the stolen money and asking for 2 Bitcoins from each user to cover the costs. 

The most recent incident involved BIPS, a Danish Bitcoin payment processor and wallet provider, which this week confirmed it was the target of a coordinated attack that resulted in a breach of its systems. The company said that several consumer wallets had been compromised. It is estimated that around 1,295 Bitcoins (worth approximately US $1.37 million) were taken in the attack, but most of the Bitcoins stolen belonged to the company itself rather than customers. Following the attacks, BIPS has said that it will close its consumer wallet services to focus on merchant processing.

Protecting your investment

While Bitcoin is commonly talked about as being secure, that, in essence, refers to the fact that it cannot be counterfeited, at least not yet. However, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be stolen, as these recent thefts have illustrated.

What can Bitcoin owners do to prevent theft? Given the kind of attacks we have witnessed, proper due diligence on where you are storing Bitcoins should be a priority. For example, GBL claimed that it was licensed in Hong Kong, but it wasn’t. Similarly, while’s service of mixing wallets up might have appealed to the privacy conscious, the level of access it had to user funds was a possible security risk.

After was attacked, its owner TradeFortress said: “I don’t recommend storing any Bitcoins accessible on computers connected to the internet”. The attack on BIPS also prompted its chief executive Kris Henriksen to change his opinion on the security of online wallets. He went as far as to advise his customers to avoid online wallets altogether.

While a lot of people think that the only way to store Bitcoins is in online, virtual wallets, it is also possible to store them offline. This involves creating a wallet that is stored on an offline device, such as a USB key and then sending your Bitcoins to this wallet address. The best practice procedure for creating an offline wallet is somewhat lengthy, but it is, in theory at least, safer than online storage. Technically, the Bitcoins themselves remain online. What is being taken offline is the means of accessing them, the private key.

It is also possible go one step further in offline storage, by taking electronic devices out of the equation entirely and creating a paper wallet. However, a paper based wallet bears the same risk as cash. It needs to be stored somewhere securely.

Online service providers have also begun to beef up their own security. Mt.Gox, ones of the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchanges, has implemented an additional layer of security by introducing a One Time Password (OTP) card, which will be shipping to all of its users immediately. The company said that the card can be used on its own or in conjunction with other two factor authentication methods, such as a Yubikey, a USB key the user must insert to verify their identity.

Once the user has input the card into their preferences on Mt.Gox, they can configure their account to require an additional password on login. Pushing a button on the card will generate a unique password for every login.

Bitcoin’s explosion in value

The upsurge in Bitcoin theft is more than likely linked to the fact that the value of the currency has shot through the roof in recent weeks. At the time of writing, one Bitcoin was valued at approximately $1,060. Its value has grown by more than 45 times this year and much of the gains have come in recent weeks. One month ago, it was trading at around $190.

The result of this boom is that what were once relatively minor holdings of Bitcoin can now be quite valuable. Nothing illustrates this better than the story of the IT professional who realized he had thrown out a laptop with a wallet containing 7,500 Bitcoin. He had mined the Bitcoins himself in 2009 and at the time they were only worth a few dollars.

Bitcoin Thefts 2.png

Figure 2. Bitcoin/US$ exchange rate for the past six months (Credit:

Since then, their value has increased dramatically, with occasional dips along the way. When Silk Road, the underground drugs bazaar was shut down by the FBI in early October, it led to some speculation that the value of Bitcoin would plummet, since the currency is widely used in the underground. While there was a sell-off in the immediate aftermath of the bust, Bitcoin recovered within days and then began to climb quickly.

Part of the surge may be attributable to the fact that regulators are beginning to take the currency more seriously. For example, the U.S. Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week held a hearing on virtual currencies, at which the Department of Justice’s representative described Bitcoin as a “legal means of exchange”. Committee chairman Tom Carper meanwhile said Congress and government needed to develop “smart, sensible, and effective policies” around the currency.

However, Bitcoin’s steep appreciation has led to widespread fears that a bubble is forming. One look at the graph charting its dollar exchange rate is enough to prompt questions. While the number of businesses accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment has undoubtedly grown, it has not been at the same rate as its appreciation. Instead, speculation appears to be driving much of the current boom and, as history has shown; such buying frenzies can often end in tears.

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Our AVAST IQ quiz is over and it’s time to share results with you. Before announcing the winners,  let me share some interesting stats with you. Your engagement and participation exceeded our expectations. We would like to thank you for taking time and participating in our quiz. It was fun and you have proven once […]

2,700 AVAST ninjas, aka results of the #avastIQ quiz!

Our AVAST IQ quiz is over and it’s time to share results with you. Before announcing the winners,  let me share some interesting stats with you. Your engagement and participation exceeded our expectations. We would like to thank you for taking time and participating in our quiz. It was fun and you have proven once […]

Spamchat: Snapchat Users Subjected to Porn and Secret Admirer Spam

Over the past week, users of the photo messaging application Snapchat have seen an increase in the number of spam snaps (Snapchat pictures). The service is now being infiltrated by a myriad of fake accounts sending spam snaps of topless women.
Figure 1. Spam accounts on Snapchat
Snapchat users are currently receiving requests from accounts named similarly, using the following format: “[GIRL’S NAME]snap_####”. Each request features a pending snap from these spam accounts. Despite the app offering privacy settings to only allow snaps from friends, users can still receive add requests from unknown users. Some Snapchat users we spoke to have noticed an increase in these requests over the last week.
Figure 2. An example of a spam snap with a topless woman
If a user accepts one of these requests, they will receive a spam snap of a nude woman. While the photo may vary, each snap includes the caption, “Add me on KIK for nudes swap ;)” along with a username on Kik Messenger, an instant messaging application for mobile devices.
Moving to Kik Messenger gives spammers the opportunity to leverage porn bots, fake accounts that engage with users by using a predefined script that promises more nude photos.
The porn bot offers more nude photos, but only if the user clicks on a link to install a mobile application first. To make sure the user installs the application, the bot requires proof and requests a screenshot from the app before sending more nude photos.
Figure 3. An example of a porn bot on Kik Messenger
If a user clicks on the link, a series of redirects occurs through affiliate programs, leading to games hosted on Apple’s iOS app store or the Google Play store. We have found that reviews of one of the applications mention the spam from Snapchat.
Figure 4. App store review highlighting Snapchat spam
The way these spammers make money is through affiliate programs that pay for each successful installation. This is why porn bots ask for proof of installation in the chat script. From our research, there were at least 30,000 clicks through multiple short URLs, though this number may be higher when considering that there could be multiple campaigns with different short URLs in operation.
As we’ve highlighted in previous examples, once a service becomes popular, the spammers are never far behind. With 350 million messages sent on Snapchat on a daily basis, it is no surprise that spammers have honed in on the service.
Other than porn spam, Snapchat users are also being targeted by a new campaign that uses a “secret admirer” lure in order to direct them to a website called SnapCrush. This website harvests usernames and directs users through a similar chain of affiliate programs with the same intention: to convince users to install a mobile application.
Figure 5. A new spam campaign on Snapchat
Currently, there is no way for Snapchat users to report these accounts as spam within the application itself. For now, users can report spam accounts to the service through the Report Spam section of the Snapchat support site.

Spammers pay tribute to Paul Walker using ‘Word Salad’

Word Salad, a workaround method invented by spammers to counter Bayesian spam filtering, is an old trick in the spammer’s manual, but cutting edge anti-spam filtering technology has made this ploy blunt.

As a form of Bayesian poisoning, Word Salad is an incongruous string of words. It uses words that are very legitimate and can be seen in any form of legit prose. From the perspective of Bayesian filtering, there is a large volume of legit data in emails which employs Word Salad. The word salad are often seen in the form of HTML, where nonsensical tags are used to break  URLs up so analysers will have a hard time tracking down the spammy URL. The latest trend in word salad is to add the most current keywords, like the hottest news or an upcoming event.

The demise of Paul Walker, the ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise star, in a fiery car accident on Saturday, is the latest example exploited by spammers. Within hours of this breaking news, Symantec observed snowshoe spam or hit-and-run attacks, using “PAUL WALKER” in Word Salad.  This topic is a highly searched topic at the moment, as his fans anxiously wait for his autopsy report. Earlier on, there was also fake news circulating claiming that Paul Walker has survived the crash.


Figure 1: An email body with the keyword “PAUL WALKER” using word salad.

The spam in discussion had no relevant ties to any news on Paul Walker, except for the Word Salad. The preview is that of a TV/Phone/Internet promo spam which has the headers below:

Subject: Cheap Cable-TV, Internet & Phone – Free Equipment, Premium Channels & Install

­­­From: ~CABLETVSpecialS* <[name]@[domain].com>


Figure 2. A preview of the spam

As we remember Paul Walker, we should also be reminded this is another example of how spammers don’t hesitate to manipulate various incidents in their bid to promote spam.

RIP Paul Walker.

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Windows ????????????????????

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11 月 27 日、Microsoft 社は Windows XP と Windows Server 2003 のカーネルコンポーネントにゼロデイ脆弱性が最近発見されたとして、セキュリティアドバイザリを公開しました。アドバイザリによると、Microsoft Windows カーネル ‘NDProxy.sys’ に存在するローカル特権昇格の脆弱性(CVE-2013-5065)により、攻撃者がカーネルレベルの特権を使って任意のコードを実行できる恐れがあります。攻撃者が脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、影響を受けるコンピュータは完全に危殆化してしまいます。

シマンテックは、この脆弱性を悪用しようとする攻撃を認識しており、11 月始めから攻撃が活発になっていることを確認しています。この攻撃では主に、syria15.10.pdf や Note_№107-41D.pdf といった名前の悪質な PDF ファイルが電子メールに添付されて送られてきます。また、攻撃者が用意した Web サイトから、標的のユーザーが騙されて悪質なファイルをダウンロードしてしまう場合もあります。

この脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、侵入先のコンピュータに別の悪質なファイルが投下されます。この悪質なファイルは 10 月中旬以降確認されており、シマンテックでは Trojan.Wipbot として検出します。このトロイの木馬は、システム情報を収集し、コマンド & コントロール(C&C)サーバーに接続します。シマンテックの遠隔測定によると、現在、インド、オーストラリア、米国、チリ、ハンガリー、ドイツ、ノルウェイ、サウジアラビアなど、さまざまな国や地域で、悪質な PDF が少数ながらも検出されていることが報告されています。

図. この脆弱性を悪用する攻撃の分布図

シマンテック製品では、この攻撃を Trojan.Pidief または Suspicious.Cloud.7.F として検出する場合もあります。また、悪用コードを検出してダウンロードを遮断するために、以下のウイルス対策定義と侵入防止システム(IPS)のシグネチャも追加されています。

この Windows の脆弱性に対処するパッチはまだリリースされていませんが、Microsoft 社はセキュリティアドバイザリにおいて回避策を公開しています。



* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、 にアクセスしてください。

Windows ????????????????????

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11 月 27 日、Microsoft 社は Windows XP と Windows Server 2003 のカーネルコンポーネントにゼロデイ脆弱性が最近発見されたとして、セキュリティアドバイザリを公開しました。アドバイザリによると、Microsoft Windows カーネル ‘NDProxy.sys’ に存在するローカル特権昇格の脆弱性(CVE-2013-5065)により、攻撃者がカーネルレベルの特権を使って任意のコードを実行できる恐れがあります。攻撃者が脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、影響を受けるコンピュータは完全に危殆化してしまいます。

シマンテックは、この脆弱性を悪用しようとする攻撃を認識しており、11 月始めから攻撃が活発になっていることを確認しています。この攻撃では主に、syria15.10.pdf や Note_№107-41D.pdf といった名前の悪質な PDF ファイルが電子メールに添付されて送られてきます。また、攻撃者が用意した Web サイトから、標的のユーザーが騙されて悪質なファイルをダウンロードしてしまう場合もあります。

この脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、侵入先のコンピュータに別の悪質なファイルが投下されます。この悪質なファイルは 10 月中旬以降確認されており、シマンテックでは Trojan.Wipbot として検出します。このトロイの木馬は、システム情報を収集し、コマンド & コントロール(C&C)サーバーに接続します。シマンテックの遠隔測定によると、現在、インド、オーストラリア、米国、チリ、ハンガリー、ドイツ、ノルウェイ、サウジアラビアなど、さまざまな国や地域で、悪質な PDF が少数ながらも検出されていることが報告されています。

図. この脆弱性を悪用する攻撃の分布図

シマンテック製品では、この攻撃を Trojan.Pidief または Suspicious.Cloud.7.F として検出する場合もあります。また、悪用コードを検出してダウンロードを遮断するために、以下のウイルス対策定義と侵入防止システム(IPS)のシグネチャも追加されています。

この Windows の脆弱性に対処するパッチはまだリリースされていませんが、Microsoft 社はセキュリティアドバイザリにおいて回避策を公開しています。



* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、 にアクセスしてください。

Windows ????????????????????

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11 月 27 日、Microsoft 社は Windows XP と Windows Server 2003 のカーネルコンポーネントにゼロデイ脆弱性が最近発見されたとして、セキュリティアドバイザリを公開しました。アドバイザリによると、Microsoft Windows カーネル ‘NDProxy.sys’ に存在するローカル特権昇格の脆弱性(CVE-2013-5065)により、攻撃者がカーネルレベルの特権を使って任意のコードを実行できる恐れがあります。攻撃者が脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、影響を受けるコンピュータは完全に危殆化してしまいます。

シマンテックは、この脆弱性を悪用しようとする攻撃を認識しており、11 月始めから攻撃が活発になっていることを確認しています。この攻撃では主に、syria15.10.pdf や Note_№107-41D.pdf といった名前の悪質な PDF ファイルが電子メールに添付されて送られてきます。また、攻撃者が用意した Web サイトから、標的のユーザーが騙されて悪質なファイルをダウンロードしてしまう場合もあります。

この脆弱性の悪用に成功すると、侵入先のコンピュータに別の悪質なファイルが投下されます。この悪質なファイルは 10 月中旬以降確認されており、シマンテックでは Trojan.Wipbot として検出します。このトロイの木馬は、システム情報を収集し、コマンド & コントロール(C&C)サーバーに接続します。シマンテックの遠隔測定によると、現在、インド、オーストラリア、米国、チリ、ハンガリー、ドイツ、ノルウェイ、サウジアラビアなど、さまざまな国や地域で、悪質な PDF が少数ながらも検出されていることが報告されています。

図. この脆弱性を悪用する攻撃の分布図

シマンテック製品では、この攻撃を Trojan.Pidief または Suspicious.Cloud.7.F として検出する場合もあります。また、悪用コードを検出してダウンロードを遮断するために、以下のウイルス対策定義と侵入防止システム(IPS)のシグネチャも追加されています。

この Windows の脆弱性に対処するパッチはまだリリースされていませんが、Microsoft 社はセキュリティアドバイザリにおいて回避策を公開しています。



* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、 にアクセスしてください。