Introducing our Technical Advisory Webcasts

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I’ve mentioned before that I’m a really keen advocate of bringing our customer base closer to our product development process.
2 years ago, I started running Customer Advisory Boards for our customers in EMEA.  These annual or bi-annual events were a chance for customers to come together and help us prioritise future development work by discussing their experience and insight into messaging security.
In general, these were really successful and the fruits of those sessions are just coming to light now with last years Brightmail Gateway 8.0 release and the very-soon-to-be-release Brightmail Gateway 9.0.

But, what about our customers that don’t have the budget to travel to another city and participate?
This is more and more common in this economic climate.  Travel budget is often the first belt to be tightened.

Well, this month I’m delighted to kick off the first Messaging & Web Security Technical Advisory Webcast.

Sounds interesting, what are they?

The Technical Advisory Webcasts are regular events, initially covering Symantec Brightmail Gateway and Symantec Web Gateway.
Presented via Webcast and tele-conference, you can expect to hear the following kind of information:

  • General product updates
  • Insight into future roadmap planning
  • Technical Deep Dives
  • Best Practices
  • Ask Us Anything Q & A

I’m keen to make sure we provide information that is interesting and useful to you, our customers.  So, if you have any specific topics you would like to see covered and discussed, please do let me know.

As I mentioned above, we are very close to shipping Symantec Brightmail Gateway 9.0 and this first webcast will introduce this major release.

How do I sign up?

Head over to the Security "Groups" page (…) and sign up to the "Symantec Customer Advisory Program – Enterprise Security" group.
Be sure to complete your profile as complete as possible and add a comment that you want to register for the Technical Advisory Webcasts.
If you have any problems, feel free to contact me either here on Connect or at



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