Author Archives: Hacker Medic

Vulnerabilidade FREAK pode deixar comunicações criptografadas abertas a ataques

Uma falha divulgada recentemente permite que atacantes forcem conexões seguras a utilizar uma forma mais fraca de criptografia, que pode ser quebrada.

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FREAK vulnerability can leave encrypted communications open to attack

A recently reported flaw lets attackers force secure connections to use a weaker, breakable form of encryption.Read More

Troyanos Financieros: Las infecciones disminuyeron 53 por ciento en 2014, pero la amenaza prevalece

Aunque el número de detecciones de Troyanos financieros disminuyó durante 2014, la amenaza fue considerable, ya que los agresores se han movido para evadir nuevas medidas de seguridad.

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Cavalos de Troia em 2014: Queda de 53% nas infecções, mas a ameaça ainda prevalece

Ainda que o número de detecções de Trojans financeiros tenha diminuído em 2014, a ameaça ainda é considerável, já que os atacantes alteraram suas táticas para contornar as medidas de segurança mais recentes.

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Financial Trojans in 2014: Takedowns contributed to 53 percent drop in infections, but threat is still prevalent

While the number of financial Trojan detections decreased in 2014, the threat was still considerable, as attackers moved to bypass newer security measures.Read More

SSL Market Leadership

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As you might imagine, the Trust Services team at Symantec found ourselves scratching our heads last week when one of our competitors in the SSL market announced that it was now the “number one” certification authority in the world.  How could this claim be real, we questioned?  After all, for over 20 years, market analysts and customers alike have recognized Symantec as the leading and most trusted provider of SSL certificate products, solutions, and services around the world. 

With our curiosity piqued, we did a quick check of the most recent market reports and metrics from both Frost & Sullivan and Netcraft, the two most respected SSL market analysts in the industry.  While Frost & Sullivan analyzes the SSL market from a business perspective based on the revenue share of the various competitors, Netcraft actually crawls the Internet to analyze webservers and SSL certificate information to quantify market size and share.

Their studies continue to show Symantec at the top of the market (see chart below). 

Worldwide Marketshare for SSL Certificates 2015-1.png

Numbers aside, at Symantec, we believe “leadership” is earned rather than claimed.  Symantec’s success has largely been the result of our award-winning track record of Trust, Reliability, and Speed for our customers.  Over the years, we’ve demonstrated best-in-class OCSP response times allowing for faster and more secure web transactions for online businesses and consumers around the world.  Moreover, the Norton Secured Seal has continuously been displayed over half a billion times per day on websites in over 170 countries, serving as the most recognized trust mark on the Internet.  Over the past 2 decades, during the

tremendous growth of Internet activity and increased security threats, Symantec’s global infrastructure has NOT ONCE been compromised, never suffering a breach.  On the other hand, less than a week after this competitor claimed to be “number one” in the SSL market, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reported on PrivDog, an SSL tampering tool associated with the competitor (see

So we’ll let the market decide, while we continue to do our best for our customers, earning every bit of trust that we can each day.

Os cibercriminosos realizam phishing com credenciais do iCloud das vítimas de roubo de iphones e ipads

Hackers criaram sites de phishing para enganar os usuários cujos dispositivos iOS foram perdidos ou roubados, para assim liberar suas credenciais do iCloud

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Cibercriminales van por credenciales de iCloud de víctimas de robo de iPhone o iPad

Los atacantes han creado sitios de falsos (phishing) que engañan a los usuarios que han perdido o les han robado sus dispositivos con iOS para obtener sus datos de acceso a iCloud

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Cybercriminals phish iCloud credentials from victims of iPhone, iPad theft

Attackers have created phishing sites to trick users whose iOS devices have been lost or stolen into handing over their iCloud credentials.Read More