Los atacantes han creado sitios de falsos (phishing) que engañan a los usuarios que han perdido o les han robado sus dispositivos con iOS para obtener sus datos de acceso a iCloud
Hackers criaram sites de phishing para enganar os usuários cujos dispositivos iOS foram perdidos ou roubados, para assim liberar suas credenciais do iCloud
Some webpages are giving away free codes for Playstation Network and Steam but, are they reliable? At Avast we discovered a lot of webpages offering free codes, with a value from $20 to $50, for Playstation Network and Steam, two of the most important internet-based digital distribution platforms. Those webpages look very suspicious so we […]
Innocent-looking payment requests could result in financial loss for companies as finance department employees targeted with fraudulent emails.
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A Symantec observou uma campanha de spam envolvendo e-mails falsos de solicitação de transferência bancária. A técnica não é nova, e teve cobertura na imprensa este ano, mas houve um aumento neste tipo de spam recentemente
It only took Apple 24 hours to get 4 million pre-orders of the new iPhone 6, and scammers were right there with them to cash in. In the newest iteration of a scam used every time a new product is launched with fanfare, Facebook pages have been popping up claiming that people who like, share, […]