Tag Archives: Mail Security for Exchange/Domino

Symantec Protection for Sharepoint Servers 6.0 Beta

I’m excited to announce that the beta program has started for our next release of Symantec Protection for Sharepoint Servers.

You can sign up to this beta at this link : https://symbeta.symantec.com/callout/default.html?callid=8A18C6447CE54D99AD4ADEBCC28E7F9C


With this release, you’ll see new features such as:


  1. Completely new quarantine management functionality available through the UI.
  2. Brand new user interface.
  3. Simple export & import of configuration, settings and policies to enable quick and easy disaster recovery as well as roll out your policies to multiple farms in a quick and efficient manner.
This release supports the following platforms:
  • Windows® SharePoint® Services 2.0 (WSS 2.0)
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0)
  • SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS 2003)
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007 (MOSS 2007)
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2010

We’re looking forward to your feedback!




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2 日ほど前から、シマンテックは悪質な脅威の拡散を狙った電子メール攻撃の急増を確認しています。確認されたサンプルはすべて、UPS または Post Express から送られてくる、配送に関する正規の注意メッセージや通知を偽装しています。メッセージの本文では、荷物を受け取るためには詳しい情報や処理が必要であるとして、ZIP 形式で圧縮された実行可能ファイルを開くように求めます。


差出人: “United Parcel Service” <info***3@ups.com>
差出人: “UPS Customer Services(UPS カスタマーサービス)”<***@secureserver.net>
差出人: “United Parcel Service” <***@dhl.com>
差出人: “Neil Molina” United Parcel Service <[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Kimberley Miner” United Parcel Service <[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>

件名: United Parcel Service notification 40983(UPS 通知 40983)
件名: Delivery Status(配送状況)
件名: UPS: Your Package(UPS: 荷物)
件名: United Parcel Service notification(UPS 通知)
件名: United Postal Service Tracking Nr.(UPS 追跡番号)

差出人: “Post Express Support(Post Express サポート)” <postmail-int[詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Information(Post Express 情報)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Report(Post Express レポート)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Office(Post Express オフィス)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>
差出人: “Post Express Information(Post Express 情報)” <postmail-usa. [詳細は削除済み]@[詳細は削除済み]>

件名: Post Express Office. Package is available for pickup. NR03909(Post Express オフィス: 集荷準備中 NR03909)
件名: Post Express Office. Delivery refuse. NR4245855(Post Express オフィス: 配送拒否 NR4245855)
件名: Post Express Office. Track your parcel. NR06678(Post Express オフィス: 荷物追跡 NR06678)
件名: Post Express Office. Error in the delivery address. NR4061172(Post Express オフィス: 送付先住所の間違い NR4061172)
件名: Post Express Office. Get the parcel NR31215(Post Express オフィス: 荷物 NR31215 をお受け取りください)


UPS tracking number.exeTrojan.FakeAV として検出)
UPS notify.exeBackdoor.Cycbot として検出)
Post_Express_Label.exeTrojan.Sasfis として検出)

以下に、スパムの例を 2 つ示します。


シマンテックがこの攻撃を詳しく解析したところ、悪質な電子メールは世界各地から送信されており、それが急増したのは Rustock の活動停止後にスパマーがボットネットを再構築しているためであると判明しました。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。


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シマンテックセキュリティレスポンスは最近、一見して無害そうなプログラムがさまざまな URL でホストされていることを確認しました。このプログラムファイルが異例だったのは、多くのシマンテックユーザーが同じファイルを解析のために送信してきたという事実です。

このプログラムの基本的な動作は、職業適性アンケートに回答させたうえで、次のいずれかの URL にユーザーをリダイレクトするというものです。

hxxp://targetmarket-groupllc.net /registration/1


このプログラムは、登録ページにアクセスするための一意の URL を生成します。


100 ドルの特典と引き換えに、オンラインバンキングの口座情報として URL、ログイン名、パスワードまで要求されます。



「The Contractor undertakes the responsibility to receive payments from the Clients of the Company to his personal bank account, withdraw cash and to effect payments to the Company’s partners by Western Union or MoneyGram money transfer system within one (1) day(契約者は、当社の顧客からの支払いを個人の銀行口座で受け取り、現金を引き出したうえで、Western Union または MoneyGram の送金システムを利用して 1 日以内に当社のパートナーへの支払いを実効させる責任を負うものとする)」


「The Contractor is engaged by the Company on terms of thirty-days (30) probationary period. During the probationary period the Company undertakes to pay to the Contractor the base salary amounting to 2300 USD per month plus 8% commission from each payment processing operation. After the probationary period the Company agrees to revise and raise the base salary to 3000 USD.(契約者は、30 日間の試用期間を条件として当社と契約する。試用期間中、当社は 1 カ月当たり 2,300 米ドルの基本給と、支払い処理操作 1 件ごとに 8% の手数料を契約者に対して支払うものとする。試用期間の終了後には、3,000 米ドルを上限として基本給の見直しと昇給を行うことに当社は合意する。)」

そして、オンラインバンキングの口座情報を入力すると特典の 100 ドルが手に入るということを思い出してください。




この詐欺行為が行われている間、重要な情報はすべて HTTPS ではなく HTTP で送信されているので、銀行口座情報は平文で送信されている点にも注意が必要です。

一般的に、ユーザー自身が意図して取引を開始した場合を除いて、個人情報(パスワードや銀行口座などの情報)は誰とも、またどんなサイトでも共有すべきではありません。個人情報の入力が必要なページにアクセスする場合でも、URL に HTTPS が含まれているかどうかを調べて、サイトが暗号化を利用していることを確認してください。また、ブラウザに鍵マークが表示されていれば、SSL が使われていることがわかります。

シマンテックでは、このアンケートアプリケーションを Fakesurvey として検出します。


* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Mail & Web Security – 2011 Projects

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I can’t believe we’re already one month in to the new year!  It has been a busy January for the Mail & Web Security business at Symantec, as we plan for a full slate of product releases in the coming months.  We have releases planned for all three of our Brightmail products, our web gateway solution, and our groupware products planned in 2011. We also have follow-on releases planned for our exciting new Next Generation Network Protection platform for service providers.

The threat landscape continues to evolve in dynamic and unexpected ways.  We saw a remarkable drop in spam levels right after Christmas when some major botnets stopped sending out spam for a few weeks.  The botnets did not go away, however, and we’ve seen spam bounce back in recent weeks.  Check out www.symantec.com/brightmail/iqservices to see a clear illustration of this drop and recover, as well as a number of recent blog postings on threats.  Don’t forget our monthly State of Spam & Phishing Report, which is posted to www.symantec.com/spam. And don’t forget our more general blog on the threat landscape from the Symantec Security Response team, posted here on Connect at https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/symantec-blogs/sr.

Stay tuned for some exciting announcements about our portfolio in the coming months.  If there any questions you would like us to tackle on this blog, please drop us a note in the comments below – we look forward to continuing the dialogue!

On behalf of the entire mail and web security product team at Symantec, I wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year – we may be a bit late for the traditional New Year holiday, but we are just in time for the Chinese New Year – gong hay fat choy! 

Welcome to the new Mail & Web Security Blog!

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Welcome to the new Mail & Web Security Blog!  Brightmail isn’t going away, but we wanted to expand our coverage to include news about our complete email and web security portfolio, including the Brightmail products (Brightmail Gateway, Brightmail Message Filter, and Brightmail Traffic Shaper), the Mail Security products (Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange and Mail Security for Domino), and Symantec Web Gateway.

In addition, Symantec’s messaging and web security products are core components of the Symantec Protection Suites.

Stay tuned for more updates, including an expanded cast of authors as we grow our coverage across a broader slice of the Symantec portfolio.

Messaging & Web Security at Symantec Vision 2010 in Barcelona

I can’t quite believe it’s September already, this year is flying by at a crazy pace.
This means that the Symantec Vision conference in EMEA has come around quickly too.

This year, we are at the CCIB in Barcelona, Spain, during the first week of October – Tuesday 5th through Thursday 7th.

Amongst the many, many sessions over the 3 day conference, there are a number of Mail & Web security sessions that you shouldn’t miss (not least because I’m co-presenting them smiley ), so in no particular order.

  1. Best Practices for Email Security.
  2. Anatomy of a Web Attack.
  3. Hands On Lab – Best Practices for installing and Configuring Symantec Brightmail Gateway.
  4. Hands On Lab – Best Practices for installing and Configuring Symantec Web Gateway.
  5. Deploying Symantec Protection Suite: Architecture and Best Practices.

Other interesting sessions in the messaging and web security realm:

  • The State of Spam
  • Cost of Email Security – Calculating your risks
  • Protecting against Botnets
  • Best Practices for installing and configuring Symantec Mail Security for Exchange
  • Running Security Operations with Symantec Protection Center

If you are joining us at EMEA Vision this year, what are you looking forward to most?

Be sure to let me know if you are coming along, there are going to be plenty of opportunities to talk to our product specialists, engineers, decision makers and of course to network with your peers.


Catching up on Symantec Brightmail

Greetings, fellow Symantec Connect community members.  This is Angelos Kottas, Principal Product Manager for Symantec Brightmail Gateway. This is my first blog posting on the Brightmail blog on Symantec Connect, and I look forward to hearing from many of you in the weeks and months ahead.
Since last we posted to this blog, the Symantec messaging security team has been very busy!  We successfully released Symantec Brightmail Gateway 9.0 in mid March, and have been pleased to see very rapid adoption of the new release.
We also saw several new product releases in our broader messaging security product lines, including Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange 6.5, Symantec Mail Security for Domino 8.0.5, and Symantec Brightmail Message Filter 6.2.
To learn about these new releases, click on the Release Notes from the product support pages.
I also hosted a recent webcast on “What’s New in Symantec Brightmail Gateway 9.0” – a recording of the webcast is available here: http://www.symantec.com/offer?a_id=95708
In addition to the core product releases, we are also very excited about two new Protection Suite offerings that include our messaging security products: Symantec Protection Suite Advanced Business Edition and Symantec Protection Suite Enterprise Edition for Gateways.  You can read more about the Advanced Business Edition here: http://www.symantec.com/about/news/release/article… ; and our new enterprise suite offerings here: http://www.symantec.com/about/news/release/article…
I’ll be back with more updates soon, but in the meantime, please respond to this posting with suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered in future blog postings.