Tag Archives: Infostealer.Dyranges

?????????????? 2014 ???????: ????????????? 53 % ????????????????

2014 年、金融機関を狙うトロイの木馬の感染件数は減少したものの、攻撃者が最新のセキュリティ対策を回避し始めたことで、依然として多くの脅威が拡散しています。

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Financial Trojans in 2014: Takedowns contributed to 53 percent drop in infections, but threat is still prevalent

While the number of financial Trojan detections decreased in 2014, the threat was still considerable, as attackers moved to bypass newer security measures.Read More

Cavalos de Troia em 2014: Queda de 53% nas infecções, mas a ameaça ainda prevalece

Ainda que o número de detecções de Trojans financeiros tenha diminuído em 2014, a ameaça ainda é considerável, já que os atacantes alteraram suas táticas para contornar as medidas de segurança mais recentes.

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Troyanos Financieros: Las infecciones disminuyeron 53 por ciento en 2014, pero la amenaza prevalece

Aunque el número de detecciones de Troyanos financieros disminuyó durante 2014, la amenaza fue considerable, ya que los agresores se han movido para evadir nuevas medidas de seguridad.

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Short, sharp spam attacks aiming to spread Dyre financial malware

Spammers linked to the Cutwail botnet are trying to steal financial information by infecting users with Downloader.Upatre and Infostealer.Dyranges.Read More

Spin.com visitors served malware instead of music

Compromised site sent visitors to Rig exploit kit to infect them with a range of malware including Infostealer.Dyranges and Trojan.Zbot.


On October 27, while tracking exploit kits (EKs) and infected domains, Symantec discovered that the popular music news and reviews website spin.com was redirecting visitors to the Rig exploit kit. This exploit kit was discovered earlier this year and is known to be the successor of another once popular EK, Redkit. The Rig EK takes advantage of vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Java, Adobe Flash, and Silverlight and was also one of the EKs associated with the askmen.com compromise back in June.

At the time of writing, the spin.com website was no longer compromised. However, spin.com is a popular site in the US, according to Alexa, so the attackers could have potentially infected a substantial amount of users’ computers with malware during the time the site was compromised. The number of potential victims could grow substantially depending on the length of time the website was redirecting visitors to the EK prior to our discovery. Our data shows that the attack campaign mainly affected spin.com visitors located in the US.

Figure 1. Symantec telemetry shows visitors based in the US were most affected by spin.com compromise

How the attack worked
The attackers injected an iframe into the spin.com website, which redirected users to the highly obfuscated landing page of the Rig EK.

Figure 2. Injected iframe on compromised spin.com website

When the user arrives on the landing page, the Rig EK checks the user’s computer for driver files associated with particular security software products. To avoid detection, the EK avoids dropping any exploits if the security software driver files are present.

Figure 3. Rig EK searches for driver files used by security software products

The EK then looks for particular installed plugins and will attempt to exploit them accordingly. In the recent compromise, the Rig EK took advantage of the following vulnerabilities:

Upon successfully exploiting any of these vulnerabilities, a XOR-encrypted payload is downloaded onto the user’s computer. The Rig EK may then drop a range of malicious payloads such as downloaders and information stealers including banking Trojan Infostealer.Dyranges, and the infamous Trojan.Zbot (Zeus).

Symantec protection
Symantec has detections in place to protect against the Rig EK and the vulnerabilities exploited by it, so customers with updated intrusion prevention and antivirus signatures were protected against this attack. Users should also ensure that they update their software regularly to prevent attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities. Symantec provides the following comprehensive protection to help users stay protected against the Rig EK and the malware delivered by it in this recent website compromise:

Intrusion prevention


PDF invoices may cost more than you expect

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Misspelled invoice email claims to be looking for payment but steals confidential information instead.

Misspelled invoice email claims to be looking for payment but steals confidential informatio…

Las facturas PDF te pueden costar más de lo que crees

Circulan correos con facturas mal escritas que reclaman pagos pero que, en el fondo, roban información

Las facturas en formato PDF enviadas por correo electrónico se han vuelto muy populares en el mundo de los negocios actual, pero si no se toman las debidas precauciones, este tipo de archivos podría generar algunas dificultades a los usuarios. Por ejemplo, recibir estas facturas sin verificar la autenticidad del destinatario podría comprometer el equipo y poner en peligro la información confidencial de los usuarios.