As we discussed earlier this week, reporting and resolving a cyberbullying incident will vary depending on the evolution of your community’s awareness and understanding of the issue. However, this list provides first steps to help stop cyberbullying online if you see it. Save the evidence. Print copies of messages and websites. Use the save feature on instant messages Read more…
Cyberbullying is a public health issue that continues to go through its own kind of “social fog” as schools, parents, students, and law enforcement attempt to establish some common guidelines in dealing with episodes of online harassment. Some schools and local police departments have met cyberbullying head-on. They’ve implemented a clear process to handle cyber Read more…
Twitter’s new video-sharing app Vine is the hottest mobile toy since Instagram—and to be honest—it’s even more fun. Still, parents need to keep Vine on their radar as the popular social network evolves. Vine allows users to create super-easy, six-second video clips to share with friends on Facebook, Twitter and Vine. All users do is Read more…
A number of apps for both the Android and iPhone exist that are great for storing your personal “gems,” those pieces of digital data you want to keep under lock and key on your smart phone. The apps store data such as logins and passwords, private photos, and keep them safe from hands of hackers, Read more…
A number of apps for both the Android and iPhone exist that are great for storing your personal “gems,” those pieces of digital data you want to keep under lock and key on your smart phone. The apps store data such as logins and passwords, private photos, and keep them safe from hands of hackers, Read more…
We know—it is not our job to clip cupid’s wings or douse the Valentine vibe—but it is our job to help keep things safe for you and your family online. That said, McAfee recently released the study, Love, Relationships, and Technology:When Private Data Gets Stuck in the Middle of a Breakup. The study examines the downside Read more…
Privacy. It’s the hottest topic online and if you are still not too concerned about it now—you will be. The rapid growth of social networks, geolocation services, and data mining daily puts your personal information at risk. Think you are in the clear? Just spend a few minutes on sites like Spokeo and you may have Read more…
It’s natural to assume our kids understand words and concepts that are commonplace to us. But when it comes to online safety—it’s best not to make assumptions. With the explosion of texting, sharing, and the 24/7 digital banter, any day is a good day for a primer on words that daily intersect with our kids’ Read more…
You have gone over the basics of online safety and even posted a Family Game Plan next to the computer. You are doing fantastic. However, there are still some critical rules (some even laws) your kids could be breaking online that have ethical, even legal, consequences. (We know—just when you thought you could relax right?) Read more…
I will be the first to confess that sometimes when I look at my kids, my eyes do not work. Seriously. They recalibrate to another version of reality; the comfortable one. Sometimes when I look at my kids, a soft focus frames the picture and butterflies and sunshine fill in around their little faces. Nope, Read more…