Tag Archives: DDoS @en

Avast at Virus Bulletin Conference 2015

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Our team had a wonderful time meeting and networking with the crème de la crème of security industry professionals at this year’s Virus Bulletin Conference in Prague, of which we were a proud platinum sponsor. Throughout the conference, a handful of Avast employees presented talks a variety of today’s most prominent security-centered topics. For those […]

Businessman hackers brought down in USA and Europe

Cybercrooks run their organizations like businesses these days. They have multinational offices, marketing departments, business development, and technical support teams. Maybe they also need some security…  Malware entrepreneur sentenced to 57 months in prison One such malware entrepreneur, Alex Yucel, sold malware through a website that he operated, to other hackers. The Blackshades malware allowed […]

Are the hacks on Mr. Robot real?

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Last night the pilot episode of MR. ROBOT, a new thriller-drama series aired on USA Network. The show revolves around Elliot who works as a cyber security engineer by day and is a vigilante hacker by night. I watched the episode and then sat down with Avast security expert Pedram Amini, host of Avast’s new […]

Lizard Squad hackers use unsecured home routers in DDoS attacks

Your home router could be part of a network used to knock sites like Sony PlayStation network offline. During Christmas we reported that a hacker group calling themselves the Lizard Squad, took responsibility for ruining the day for Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox users by taking the gaming networks offline. This and previous attacks, which […]