Tag Archives: Corporate

Wearing My Super Hero Cape to Work: McAfee reaches 100,000 Kids through Online Safety for Kids Program

We have a saying here at McAfee, “Safe Never Sleeps”. What this means to us, is that we work around the clock to keep the world safe from the bad guys. What this means to you, is that in this rapidly moving technological world, you have somebody to trust – a team of people to Read more…

McAfee Online Safety for Kids recognized as a 2013 Computerworld Honors Laureate

I am STOKED that IDG’s Computerworld Honors Program today recognized the McAfee Cares – Online Safety for Kids program as a 2013 Laureate. The annual award program honors visionary applications of information technology promoting positive social, economic and educational change. The Computerworld Honors Program awards will be presented at the Gala Evening and Awards Ceremony on Read more…

McAfee Marks May 16th as its Global Community Service Day

I’m excited to say that May 16th will mark McAfee’s 2nd annual Global Community Service Day.  This year, I plan to participate in a cause that I’ve been passionate about for years—teaching children about how to stay safe online.  As a mother of two children, and McAfee’s Chief Privacy Officer, I understand the importance of Read more…

From Tourist Information to Malware in one easy step…

This week BBC News and others reported that Gibraltar is joining another well known destination, Monmouth UK, by tagging locations around the country with printed 2 dimensional bar codes (QR Codes) which can be scanned by your smartphone to link you to Wikipedia articles. As a regular traveler, tourist, and conveyor of useless information, to Read more…