Tag Archives: Consumer

Connecting the Dots–How Your Digital Life Affects Identity Theft and Financial Loss

You’re on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You use Gmail, Yahoo! and bank online. You might buy stuff on sites like Amazon and occasionally make purchases from eBay. Sometimes you apply for a loan online and maybe open up a credit card account too. This is all commonplace in today’s digital world. So how does all Read more…

7 Tips: How to Raise a Leader in a ‘Follower’ World

Leadership training isn’t exclusive to adults. And in today’s online culture of “following” and digital profiles, it’s never too early to teach a child (aka digital native) how to think, act, communicate, and process information online with a leader’s perspective.  Oh—and don’t get discouraged—they may roll their eyes when you start talking about lofty things Read more…

Why it’s Critical to Protect Data on Digital Devices

When devices are lost or hacked and your data is exposed, not only is this a pain to deal with, but you could become a victim of identity theft. Not only do victims of identity theft suffer loss of time  but they also lose money that may not be able to be recovered . In Read more…

How to Coach Your Teen through the ‘Selfie’ Craze

Kids call them “selfies” while parents (likely) call them “image overkill.” A “selfie” is simply a photo that teens (mostly girls) take of themselves while holding the mobile camera at arms length. They often come in floods online—sometimes dozens a day depending on a teen’s exuberance. Posting photos is nothing new, however, selfies are exploding Read more…

Two Steps are Better Than One: Make a Hacker’s Job Harder with Two-step Verification

Every day, life for many consumers has become more “digital” than before—this has made day-to-day tasks easier for many of us, but it also creates new challenges. From online banking to medical records, the need to protect our private, personal information is imperative. Too often, the same password is used for multiple online accounts—for instance, Read more…

Plug Your Kids Into the Power of Eye Contact

Reminding parents and kids to stop and make eye contact should not be worthy of a blog post. I mean, didn’t we master this skill somewhere in the 16th century? Unfortunately, in today’s gadget-happy culture, this lost art is positioned for a long-overdue comeback. We talk on this blog a lot about teaching kids to navigate Read more…

5 More Mobile Security Tips

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A cybercriminal’s full time job is creating new crimes, and he or she will make full use of technology to hide their activities to fool you. And with mobile devices, this is no different. The threat to our mobile devices is also high because our smartphones are always connected, they usually carry some personal data, Read more…

Hard Lesson: Your ‘Friends’ Might Hack You Too

We sure didn’t see this one coming. Turns out, our teenage son’s password (and our bank account) recently got hacked—by a friend. Seems the theft was pretty simple to pull off. The culprit—a frequent visitor to our home—simply looked over my son’s shoulder as he typed in his iTunes password. Then, for the next six Read more…

Smart Perimeter – A Security Fence For Your Digital Devices

Everyone has experienced that gut-wrenching feeling when you look around and realize that one of your prized possessions is missing.  Whether it’s your wallet, keys, or smartphone, that feeling of panic and loss is devastating.   In today’s digitally connected world that feeling has become incredibly too common. In a recent Digital Assets survey, McAfee discovered Read more…

Forgo Pressure to ‘Share’ and Boost Your Privacy

In the age online sharing (and over sharing), opting for privacy is nearly becoming a social faux pas. Think about it. Have you ever noticed the snub you get if you untag yourself from a photo, hide a post someone put on your page, or leave group conversations? Have you felt the digital shiver when Read more…