Tag Archives: Consumer

5 (Kind) Reminders for Overly Nosy Parents

Last night I sat next to my teenage son as he played video games. It did not take long before I was abruptly reminded that he and I may look like fellow humans but we are definitely from two very different planets. I also learned that there’s a possibility that at times I may (stress Read more…

Making It Cool to Be a ‘Good Digital Citizen’

If you are a parent today, you are among the first generation of adults tasked with raising good digital citizens. And while learning to be a  “good digital citizen” is a hot topic in education circles have you noticed that it’s quickly demoted to “goofy” when you attempt to talk about it at the dinner Read more…

Wearing My Super Hero Cape to Work: McAfee reaches 100,000 Kids through Online Safety for Kids Program

We have a saying here at McAfee, “Safe Never Sleeps”. What this means to us, is that we work around the clock to keep the world safe from the bad guys. What this means to you, is that in this rapidly moving technological world, you have somebody to trust – a team of people to Read more…

Q&A: What is ‘Path’ and Is It Safe for My Child?

Q: I overheard my son telling his friend to message him on Path. What is Path and should I be concerned? A: Good question and hats off to you for paying attention to what your kids are doing online. Path is a new(er) social network app specifically designed for smart phones. It allows users to keep Read more…

What is a Keylogger?

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Whether it is called a keylogger, spyware or monitoring software, it can be the equivalent of digital surveillance, revealing every click and touch, every download and conversation. A keylogger (short for keystroke logger) is software that tracks or logs the keys struck on your keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that you don’t know Read more…

Parent: Be Sure to Get What You Want When Kids Get New Technology

Be it a birthday, Christmas, or even President’s day, any holiday soon becomes an opportunity for the gift “wish list” to surface in strategic places (in our house, it was laying next to the coffee maker this morning). Inevitably, on nearly 80% of those lists will be technology in the form of a new laptop, Read more…

Helping Kids Understand Their ‘Digital Footprint’

It’s easy to talk in general about an important topic and apply a catchy phrase to it without our kids really ever understanding it. When it comes to explaining the weight of  their digital footprint kids can quickly glaze over and check out if we fail to speak in terms that matter to them. Start by Read more…

Before You Share, Ask Yourself “Is This TMI?”

Social networks and new online services make it easy to share the details of our lives, perhaps too easily. With just a few clicks, posts and messages, you can give away enough personal information to compromise your privacy and even open yourself up to identity theft. Hackers use information you post online to try and Read more…

Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas May Also be King of Threats

Wonder Twin powers activate! Shape of a Pterodactyl! Form of an icicle! Watching the Super Friends on Saturday mornings in my pjs while eating sugared cereal for breakfast and reading comic books was the extent of my relationship with super heroes. Ahh… those were much simpler times. Today kids can find everything they need to Read more…

Teens: Hello Instagram!

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There are more sites growing in popularity in social network paradise and you may have even experienced first-hand. Our teens are giving Facebook a wide berth and investing their time in other ‘hip’ sites such as Instagram and Snapchat. Facebook even recently admitted that ’some of our users have reduced their engagement with Facebook in Read more…