Des menaces en ligne font partie du quotidien pour ceux qui utilisent régulièrement l’internet pour un grand nombre de choses. Pourtant, au lieu de se faire attaquer par ces menaces ou de mettre en danger des données importan…
Online threats have become a fact of life for people who regularly use the internet. However, rather than worrying about it or waiting for potentially important details to be compromised, there a number of key points which you can consider to counter a…
The Cryptographer’s Panel at RSA included Professor Dan Boneh of Stanford University, who sat down with Whitfield Diffie, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir to talk about the most common failures of mobile apps and SSL encryption algorithms. A lively disc…
Wissen Sie, wie viele Website-Kennwörter Ihre Kollegen im Durchschnitt haben? Sie werden es kaum glauben: 25. Beeindruckend, nicht wahr? Weniger beeindruckend ist, dass sich die meisten Internetnutzer mit nur 6,5 Kennwörtern schütze…
¿Sabe en cuántos sitios web inician sesión por término medio los empleados de su empresa? Al parecer, en 25. Increíble, ¿verdad? Lo malo es que el número medio de contraseñas distintas utilizadas …
Any idea what’s the average number of website logins that someone in your organisation might have? The answer? 25 apparently. Impressive. What isn’t such good news, though, is that most people use just 6.5 passwords to protect them, each of…
Em julho de 2011, uma auditoria interna descobriu uma invasão na infraestrutura da autoridade de certificação (CA) DigiNotar, indicando o comprometimento de suas chaves de criptografia. A violação dessas chaves possib…