Quality not quantity. Spammers you could do hell better than this

Spam_In any line of business – and I guess this is not only common sense but also part of any basic “marketing 101” class – you will learn that it’s important to know WHO your customers are.  So I’m surprised that in the spam-sending business the spammers haven’t figured that one out yet. And I mean it.  Their customer-understanding, user-insights and target-group-defining in general are just BAD.  In fact, it’s so bad that if they don’t get better fast they might just go out of business…

;)   OK that’s probably an overstatement peppered with some wishful thinking. But the point is still there.  Look at, for example,  my junk folder:  200 spam messages during the last hour. That is pretty good incoming volume.  Right?  But the targeting just sucks!  I’m in my mid-40s and working in an IT company so I could give credit for the 2 messages from “Pfizer” offering (I suppose) the blue pills for as much as 70% off.  Tempting ;)


But the rest?  198 emails in Japanese and Chinese that I neither speak nor understand.  Spammers, you are not going to get rich by starting with 1% targeting accuracy.  When you factor in the Click-Through-Rate and Acceptance Rate, your overall conversion will be really bad.



So work on it!   Here are some tips how to reach me:

– Please, Czech or English only.  I could handle a bit of elementary French, but that’s it.

– I’m chocolate addicted.  Known fact.  70% dark Lindt is what I’m looking for.  Not 70% off Pfizer.


Btw.  I can’t really promise my anti-spam filter will allow me to see it, though.

Just sayin’… ;)

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