Getting Down With The Kids – Internet Slang for Dummies!

Whenever my boys come home with a new buzz word or saying, I instantly feel like a dinosaur. Whether it is ‘noob’ or ‘epic fail’ (all said with a huge dose of attitude!) the linguistic chasm between us just seems to get wider. But when it comes to kids’ online vocab, I am a big Read more…

What Online Shoppers in India Must Be Wary of-McAfee Shows the Way

McAfee had commissioned a study titled, “2012 Holiday Shopping Study” to find out the online habits and behaviors of Indians, especially those planning to use the Internet and mobile devices to shop this holiday season. In light of these findings, McAfee exposes the Top 12 Scams of Christmas that cyber crooks have planned to swindle Read more…

Look Out! Here Comes the Cyber Crook Man with His Gifts of Christmas Scams And Spams

Every year, millions of people await the end of year festivities and holidays with great enthusiasm and expectations. As the days to Thanksgiving become numbered, the holiday mood rises and people look forward to the year-end and go about their tasks with barely-controlled impatience. And why not- for ‘Tis the time to relax and be Read more…

Internet Safety Resolutions for 2013

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My daughter loves forming New Year resolutions! Every January 01, she diligently pens down her resolutions (always interesting ones!) on a pretty piece of paper, decorates it beautifully and then tacks it over her study with coloured tapes.  It helps her to keep things in perspective for the year, she says. Sonny Boy of course Read more…

Is Your SNS Addiction Getting Out of Hand? – All Names Aren’t Cool

The news that went viral on social networking sites last week made me smile and shake my head and say, “Oh dear, oh dear”, in a real Miss Marple fashion. The Internet community was agog with the news of a newborn being named Hashtag! Nothing extraordinary perhaps, given the penchant among modern parents for bestowing Read more…

Protecting Your Always-Connected Digital Life: McAfee and Intel at CES 2013

How many devices do you have connected to the Internet? When you count up all the computers, smartphones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices in your home, the number can add up quickly. Our online lives have become second nature: We shop online, bank online, and network with friends, families, and coworkers through social networking sites. Read more…

What’s on Your Phone? A Lot More than You Realize.

It’s funny to me that when having conversations about technology people still don’t see the parallel between their smartphone and their computer. Today, smartphone are connected to the Internet and have much of the same information as the personal computer, if not more. Now Androids and other smartphones have become little mini handheld computers. Carriers Read more…

Why your choice of a Certificate Authority matters in the long run

By now you’re probably aware of the Turkish Certificate Authority that had mistakenly issued two intermediate CA certificates to two organizations in Turkey. With these trusted intermediate certificates, the two organizations, a Turkish bank and …