Faked Websites Promote Pandemic Survival Book | Avast


Beware of another attempt by scammers to use the coronavirus pandemic to their advantage, in this case by selling you an e-book for $37, which actually is available for download for free. The title of the book is Pandemic Survival and it contains a collection of tips and advice allegedly used by the government. The tips include advice on how to quarantine properly, “isolated in a tent outdoors”, and recommends the use of “BioImmune”, a supplement to “support your body to help fight off harmful germs and viruses”, which the e-book conveniently links to. From April 1 until April 20, we have seen more than 10,000 attempted visits by U.S. users to the shop website, over 900 visits from the UK, and over 600 from Canada and Australia each. Avast blocks the shop URL and the URLs of fake websites promoting the shop.

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