CyberSec&AI Connected: Q&A with Garry Kasparov | Avast

Garry Kasparov is one of the greatest chess players of all time. In 1985, aged just 22, he became the youngest chess world champion in history. His matches against Deep Blue, the IBM super-computer, brought the potential of AI to the world. 

Garry has become a hugely respected commentator and author on AI, human rights, cybersecurity, and politics, making him an ideal speaker at Avast’s virtual conference CyberSec&AI Connected. The event brings together leading minds in AI, security and machine learning from around the world to examine AI for privacy and security. 

In this extract from our CyberSec&AI Connected blog, Garry, who is a Security Ambassador for Avast, talks about his appearance at the conference as well as his views on AI, privacy and security. 

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