Severity Rating: Revision Note: V5.0 (July 6, 2011): Announced the release of an update for Zune HD devices and moved Zune devices to the Non-Affected Devices table.Summary: Microsoft is aware of nine fraudulent digital certificates issued by Comodo, a…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V5.0 (July 6, 2011): Announced the release of an update for Zune HD devices and moved Zune devices to the Non-Affected Devices table.Summary: Microsoft is aware of nine fraudulent digital certificates issued by Comodo, a…
Revision Note: V5.0 (July 6, 2011): Announced the release of an update for Zune HD devices and moved Zune devices to the Non-Affected Devices table.
Summary: Microsoft is aware of nine fraudulent digital certificates issued by …
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V2.0 (June 30, 2011): Announced that the Office File Validation Add-in described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2501584 is available through the Microsoft Update service.Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availabi…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V2.0 (June 30, 2011): Announced that the Office File Validation Add-in described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2501584 is available through the Microsoft Update service.Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availabi…
Revision Note: V2.0 (June 30, 2011): Announced that the Office File Validation Add-in described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2501584 is available through the Microsoft Update service.
Summary: Microsoft is announcing the…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V1.0 (April 12, 2011): Advisory published.Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update to winload.exe to address an issue in driver signing enforcement. While this is not an issue that would require a s…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V2.0 (April 12, 2011): Advisory updated to reflect publication of security bulletin.Summary: Microsoft has completed the investigation into public reports of this vulnerability. We have issued MS11-026 to address this is…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V2.0 (April 12, 2011): Advisory updated to reflect publication of security bulletin.Summary: Microsoft has completed the investigation into public reports of this vulnerability. We have issued MS11-026 to address this is…
Severity Rating: Revision Note: V1.0 (April 12, 2011): Advisory published.Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update to winload.exe to address an issue in driver signing enforcement. While this is not an issue that would require a s…