Contributor: Avdhoot Patil
It seems that targeting football clubs, football celebrities, and football events has become a habit for phishers. They continue their uncivilized activities and in particular single out football. Now, phishers have set their…
ウェアラブル技術、つまり身に着けて生活を快適にするための技術について、多くのハイテク企業が研究を進めています。この種の技術のコミュニティを最近最も賑わせているのがスマートグラスであり、なかでも話題の中心になっているのが Google Glass です。拡張現実(AR)を利用した視覚支援という機能は魅力的に思えますが、プライバシーの観点からどこまでを許可するかという議論も巻き起こっています。友人を撮影するときに必ず通知する必要があるとしたら、おそらく、録画中は Google Glass で赤い LED を点滅させるべきでしょう。「邪視(Evil Eye)」という言葉の意味も変わってきます。Google Glass の組み込み機能を拡張しようとしているユーザーを Web で検索してみると、ありとあらゆる統合機能について面白いアイデアが見つかります。そのひとつが、議論を呼んでいる顔認識機能です。
しかし、注目に値するウェアラブルデバイスは、Google Glass だけではありません。スマートブレスレットやインテリジェントシューズから、他のデバイスと通信できる腕時計まで、購入可能なデバイスすべてがそうです。先日開催された「D: All things Digital」カンファレンス(D11)でも、試作品が何点か公開されました。
When raising kids, parents wear a lot of hats: We become therapist, teacher, paramedic, coach, chauffeur, and referee. In today’s wired culture most of us can also confidently add “spy” to that list (I prefer superhero, but my kids insist on spy). If you are like most engaged parents you may feel a wave of Read more…
You may have overheard your kids talking about “catfishing” or someone getting “catfished.” No, they aren’t talking about gills, hooks, or vacationing on the lake. Rather, catfishing is a new digital sport that’s taking place online. The Urban Dictionary defines a “catfish” as “someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other Read more…
“Whaaaaaat?! No way! How did that happen?” My 12 year-old screeched from the couch, sat straight up, and locked shocked eyes on her phone. “What’s wrong?” I asked readying myself for some degree of bad news that was sure would follow. Was it a terrible accident? A fall out with a friend? A bad grade Read more…
Following the Boston Marathon tragedy this month, organizations such as Google leveraged technology to instantly connect people and assist in the logistics of the tragedy. No doubt, the Internet—which includes online news sites and social media platforms—is an increasingly popular and powerful channel to gather emergency information, coordinate resources, and give loved ones critical Read more…
With more teens flocking to social networks outside of Facebook, it’s more important than ever for parents to understand—and coach their kids—through the rapid-moving, drama-filled environment of Twitter. Twitter has become a hot spot for teens, many of whom view Tweets the same way they view texts. They tweet quickly and often. And, sometimes things Read more…
We write a lot about new apps on this blog because apps are hot in the very mobile teen world. Kids use apps to stay connected to the outside world and that’s where you as a parent need to be looking when it comes to threats to their personal safety. This week we’re looking Read more…