Category Archives: Consumer Alerts

Four Easy Ways to Protect your Mobile Privacy

Identifying criminals these days is usually not as easy as spotting them based on their appearance or behavior. Unfortunately, there isn’t any particular dress code for a thief, particularly the cyber kind. Cybercriminals can be your neighbor next door or in a completely different country, with the full ability to get into your digital life. Read more…

avast! Photo Contest: How can you BE FREE?

No one wants to spend time worrying about the security of their laptop or mobile phone. When things go wrong, it is very…well… frustrating.                         Avast! Antivirus protects your computer and mobile phone around the clock, so you can BE FREE to enjoy your […]

Loosing your mobile device does not mean it’s lost – install avast! Anti-Theft to become protected!

When 2011 ago, we at AVAST released our mobile device theft protection tool, avast! Anti-Theft, we wanted to change the way mobile devices are being protected from being stolen or abused. We did not know if people would like it, we did not know how well avast! Anti-Theft would perform in actually protecting mobile device […]

avast! fans are Winners

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Today, we received an email from one of the four winners of last December’s Facebook game Member Gets Member. The object of the game was to introduce your friends to avast! Antivirus by inviting them to our Facebook page. When your friends liked our page, you earned points, and earned points gave you the chance […]

#avastBeFree: AVAST is looking for its next Photo Contest Winners!

One year ago, Avast launched avast! Free Antivirus for Mac, and celebrated with our first photo contest. The results were outstanding – we received 50,000 photos with “APPLE” as the topic, and  our Facebook page became the 5th fastest growing page worldwide during the first week of the competition! Your enthusiatic reponse told us that: You are […]

Follow avast! on Instagram and meet our teddy bear

The AVAST Software social media team love challenges;  it stimulates our creativity.  Despite the fact that there is hardly any way to photograph antivirus software, we decided to establish an official AVAST channel at Instagram.  “A picture is worth a thousand words”!  We fell for this inspiring and creative social network, so please check us […]

How Secure Are Your Social Accounts?

To celebrate Password Day, I wanted to share some new research that takes a look at how secure social media accounts are. As you may have read in my blog from yesterday, the Associated Press was recently the target of a Twitter account hack. The account was recovered, but not before hackers managed to send Read more…

Yes, There are “Mother’s Day” Scams

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, cybercriminals are working up ways to take advantage of this time when you’re online looking to buy flowers, candies, perfumes, jewelry or whatever gifts for mom might be hot this year. Phishers follow a similar editorial calendar as newspaper and magazine editors, coordinating their attacks around holidays and Read more…

Are you Hackable or Uncrackable? “Password Day” is Today!

Yes, such a day exists and it’s today, May 7th 2013. Intel and McAfee are working to make sure consumers increase their security awareness and front line of digital protection by asking everyone to change their passwords today. Reuse of passwords across multiple sites is a big problem. In the digital world, many of us Read more…

Password Safety In A Connected World

It has become increasingly common for personal and professional social media accounts to become ‘hacked’, or taken over by someone who doesn’t own the account. Twitter’s help center points out that this occurs from weak passwords, a pre-existing password-collecting virus on your computer or by entrusting your login credentials to malicious third-party websites and applications. Read more…