Avast Opens Internet Of Things Lab | Avast

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Avast has opened its Internet of Things Lab in the lobby of the company’s headquarters in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. With dozens of devices, 30 Wi-Fi routers, three 3-D printers, 100 outlets, and 6 kilometers of cables, the lab provides visitors with insights into IoT technologies while giving researchers and analysts a new state-of-the-art facility for their everyday IoT research. 

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Avast Opens Internet Of Things Lab | Avast

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Avast has opened its Internet of Things Lab in the lobby of the company’s headquarters in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. With dozens of devices, 30 Wi-Fi routers, three 3-D printers, 100 outlets, and 6 kilometers of cables, the lab provides visitors with insights into IoT technologies while giving researchers and analysts a new state-of-the-art facility for their everyday IoT research. 

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