Author Archives: Hacker Medic

New reconnaissance threat Trojan.Laziok targets the energy sector

A new information stealer, Trojan.Laziok, acts as a reconnaissance tool allowing attackers to gather information and tailor their attack methods for each compromised computer.Read More

Symantec Email Submission Client updated to support Exchange 2013

Symantec’s Email Submission Client enables end users to report suspected spam directly from their mailboxes to Symantec Security Response, which helps improve anti-spam research and results.  The Email Submission Client will be updated to support Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, and the new version is scheduled for release on March 28, 2015. Exchange Server 2010 and 2007 will also still be supported.

The Email Submission Client is designed to be easy to use and does not require the installation of tools or updates on endpoints. Users simply move the unwanted message to a designated folder in their mailbox to send the message to Symantec. Administrators control which users and groups in the organization can submit messages using Active Directory.

A moderated mode that allows administrators to approve messages before submitting them to Symantec is also available. The Email Submission Client works with multiple email clients, including Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web Access (OWA), and Exchange ActiveSync.

Symantec Email customers can download the client from the management portal by navigating to Tools > Downloads.

Symantec Messaging Gateway and Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange customers can download the client from FileConnect at

Twitch botnet malware lets scammers fraudulently earn money through gaming streams

Attackers have been compromising users’ computers to add them to botnets, which are rented out to artificially inflate Twitch channel audience numbers.

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3050995 – Improperly Issued Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing – Version: 2.0

Revision Note: V2.0 (March 26, 2015): Advisory rereleased to announce that the update for supported editions of Windows Server 2003 is now available. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3050995 for more information and download links.Summary: Microsof…

Usan cerca de 750,000 cuentas falsas de Twitter para engañar sobre pastillas de dieta milagrosas: “Green Coffee”

Un operador de spam solitario logró que grandes marcas y estrellas de TV promovieran pastillas milagrosas para bajar de peso

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Café Verde e Spam: Elaborada operação de spam no Twitter usa quase 750 mil contas

Operador solitário de spam se fez passar por grandes marcas e estrelas de reality shows para promover spam de pílula de dieta milagrosa

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Green Coffee and Spam: Elaborate spam operation on Twitter uses nearly 750,000 accounts

Lone spam operator impersonated major brands and reality TV stars to promote miracle diet pill spam.Read More

3050995 – Improperly Issued Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing – Version: 1.0

Revision Note: V1.0 (March 24, 2015): Advisory published.Summary: Microsoft is aware of improperly issued digital certificates coming from the subordinate CA, MCS Holdings, which could be used in attempts to spoof content, perform phishing attacks, or …