Tag Archives: Security News

Why security is a unique challenge for AI

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When I think of the unique challenges faced by AI researchers in security, it reminds me of an excerpt from the Harry Potter series. At the beginning of Book 6, the Minister of Magic pays a visit to the  (muggle) Prime Minister to warn him about evil deeds being carried out by dark wizards. The Prime Minister is understandably scared and confused. In frustration, he implores, “But for heaven’s sake—you’re wizards! You can do magic! Surely you can sort out—well—anything!” The Minister of Magic replies pragmatically, “The trouble is, the other side can do magic too.”

Meltdown and Spectre: Yes, your device is likely vulnerable

Details have emerged this week regarding two different—and both substantial—security flaws in almost every computer processor in use today. This affects Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. It’s important to note that as of yet, no malware or cyberattack has been associated with these flaws, but now that the information is in the public domain, that could change. Either of the flaws could lead to your computer’s memory being compromised, which means sensitive data—passwords, photos, credit card details—can be accessed and stolen. Here’s a breakdown of the two vulnerabilities:

Are you among the 1.4 billion usernames and passwords leaked on the darknet?

As you have probably heard, 1.4 billion usernames, passwords, and emails were leaked on the darknet. This wasn’t a new breach, but rather a collection of previous leaks all put together in one place, forming one of the largest consolidated databases ever discovered.

Avast blocked more than 34 million Monero cryptomining attacks

On Sunday, December 3rd, we saw a peak in one of our detections, JS:Miner-I, which blocks a cryptocurrency miner that uses the cryptonight algorithm to mine Monero, a popular cryptocurrency. The algorithm is suitable for using PC CPU for mining, and the miner is run using JavaScript. We blocked JS:Miner-I from launching on our users’ PCs, preventing 34.7 million attacks in just one day. The extreme peak wasn’t the only thing that caught our attention; all the detections were launched within Google’s Chrome browser.