Tag Archives: passwords

How to password protect a folder or file in Windows | Avast

In a perfect world, once you set up a Windows password, all is secure and safe, right? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. A Windows login password offers a very basic level of protection that mainly keeps your files safe from others who may share your…

Google+ ending and CA is no state for weak passwords | Avast

Google+ to go offline after security breach discovered
Following an exposé by WSJ that revealed Google had kept a huge bug in their Google+ social network under wraps, the search giant has decided to shut it down by late 2019. The bug might have enabl…

Strengthen your security with Avast password generator | Avast

As a global community, we’ve been cruising around the internet for over twenty years. And we’ve gotten pretty darn fast at it. The cyber-highway is like an uber-autobahn, down which we all zip at lightning speeds, paying the credit card bill, making re…

How to Create a Strong Password and Beat the Hackers | Avast

Every week, our researchers round up the latest security news and report our findings in these blog pages. If you’ve been reading, you may have noticed a particularly nasty trend claiming new victims week after week — data breaches. In the last two mon…