Fake Mobile CCleaner App Tricking Users | Avast
Recently, Avast has discovered that a new fake mobile CCleaner app has been published in the China Baidu App Store (??????) and it’s specified as Certified Official Version (???).
Recently, Avast has discovered that a new fake mobile CCleaner app has been published in the China Baidu App Store (??????) and it’s specified as Certified Official Version (???).
Data breaches, stolen passwords, spyware — consumers are all too familiar with the dangers of today’s digital world, and they’re worried. According to a study done by Wipro, if you take all the data theft of 2017, over 2.7B records were stolen from Jan…
Our society, our countries, our planet run on mobile networks like never before. Consumers do more than enjoy telecom convenience — they depend on it. As a result, competition to become the consumer’s preferred network is fierce. A multitude of offeri…
I am so excited to dive into everything mobile at MWC and see the new and interesting advances in our industry. Yes, it’s that time again for the annual Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, where my Fitbit steps are going to reach a ne…
Phishing scam has fishy URLs
There’s a phishing campaign afoot that tries scamming users into believing their email accounts have been compromised. The phishing email claims multiple verification errors have caused the users’ accounts to be blackliste…
Fake Android photo apps booted off Google Play
Cybersecurity researchers identified dozens of fake apps on the Google Play Store intended solely for malicious purposes. The apps posed as Android photo enhancers, some claiming to beautify photos as the…
Recently, an interesting vulnerability was discovered by French security researcher, Elliot Alderson, in the Android app ES File Explorer (version and below). ES File Explorer is a file manager, which has been downloaded more than 100,000,000…
Here we continue our 3-part series on 2019 cybersecurity predictions by the Avast Threat Intelligence team. Looking at roughly one million new files a day, we gain valuable insights and knowledge of the most prevalent threats. We use this data to map…
Few things are more delightful than finding a super ability you didn’t know you had. This could very well be the case for you Android users out there who have not yet enabled the Google Smart Lock. Read on, and add a new security superpower to your m…
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. If nothing else, please remember those words as your takeaway from this post. There’s no easier grab for the cybercriminal than a naive user, and that’s just what this fake app – called Patche Netflix …