One of the less publicized features of the upcoming Apple iOS 15 is the ability to add your driver’s license into your Apple Wallet. Without a doubt, it will be very convenient to store your digital driver’s license alongside your proof of …
Finding out someone’s address used to be kind of hard — or at least took some effort. I’m old enough to remember a time when you had to grab that brick called the “yellow pages” to search for someone’s address. We were taught how to do it i…
In this post, we will explain exactly why customer data is valuable and why it is so important for businesses to protect. Specifically, we’ll take a look at the kinds of data businesses collect, various vulnerabilities in systems, and what …
Advances in voice cloning have brought computer-generated audio to a level the BBC reports “is now said to be unnervingly exact” and that some experts believe may constitute a substantial security hazard. The AI-led technology learns and ad…
“I’ve always found the best way to get a kid to learn how to hack is to tell them to just never use the computer,” Dave Aitel confides to Jaya Baloo in Episode 8 of our podcast Avast Hacker Archives (AHA). Dave is speaking from experience. …
Now that you’ve read our blog entry, “What is your digital footprint?”, you know everything you share and do online is permanent and can either help or hurt your reputation. Are you ready to clean up your online reputation for job interview…
Since the beginning of 2021, there’s been a rise in the prevalence of crypto-related phishing sites in certain parts of the world. The rise of these fraudulent sites is higher in countries where cryptocurrency adoption is most prevalent. Th…
Earlier this year, Google announced a new way for advertisers to reach consumers without using cookies to track them individually across sites and applications. Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) groups an individual with people who have …
For many years, cybersecurity companies have invested in building sensor networks and detection capabilities to build a greater understanding of adversaries’ tactics, ever-changing techniques, and the threats posed to the world’s internet c…
This post was written by the following Avast researchers:
Petr Somol, Avast Director AI Research
Tomáš Pevný, Avast Principal AI Scientist
Viliam Lisý, Avast Principal AI Scientist
Branislav Bošanský, Avast Principal AI Scient…