US President Joe Biden recently issued an executive order that will oversee various cryptocurrency efforts, including a study of whether there should be a virtual dollar-based cryptocoin, the efficacy of various future banking regulations f…
Avast started identifying calls for hacktivism almost as soon as the ground war in Ukraine commenced last week. Some were fraudulent, looking to capitalize on the tragedy, but others were genuine encouragement for “regular people” who want …
Let’s start this article with a little experiment. When you read the following words, pay attention to the very first image that pops into your head: tech worker. Chances are your brain surfaced a pretty stereotypical, Mark Zuckerberg-type …
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked a tremendous amount of empathy from people across the globe. Some have contributed by providing aid and shelter to refugees, while others have donated funds to charities supporting those in Ukrain…
Shortly after South American hacking group LAPSU$ took credit for the cyberattack that stole 1 TB of data from microchip company Nvidia, a LAPSU$ member claimed on the group’s Telegram channel that Nvidia had struck back with ransomware. A …
Special thanks to Ivan Basart of ValidatedID, Viky Manaila of Intesi Group, and Harm Jan Arendshorst of iLabs for their input.
Last November, more than 1 million GoDaddy-managed WordPress customers were part of a breach that could have exposed their email addresses, private SSL keys, and admin passwords. The attacker was apparently able to operate undetected inside…
TrickBot appears to have become a casualty of the ongoing war in the Ukraine. Yesterday, a member of the Conti cybergang decided to go against the rest of the group by leaking all of the group’s IoCs (Indicator of Compromise), source codes,…
We have identified initiatives being shared through social media that encourage regular people to become hackers, by downloading DDoS tools to support DDoS attacks on Russian targets. The analysis of one of these tools shows that it isn’t s…
Avast is deeply saddened by the Ukraine-Russia situation. We have employees and customers in both countries and are monitoring the situation very closely. We are focused as a priority on ensuring our people are safe and providing the suppor…