AVAST to give away $26,000 in the new year!

New Year’s Resolutions

1. Protect my PC, smartphone, and tablet from viruses and theft 2. Recommend avast! Free Antivirus to friends 3. Win up to $10,000!


Keeping  New Year’s resolutions like Lose weight or Quit smoking can be difficult on your own. But Protect my devices from viruses and theft is a resolution that avast! Antivirus can help you be successful with. This year, make sure you install avast! on your PC, Mac, Android smartphone and tablet. Tell your friends about us, too.

Did you know that about 70% of avast! users come to us from a friend’s recommendation? Take a few minutes and let your friends know that you use avast! by sending them an email, tweet or Facebook message. If they begin using avast! from your recommendation, you could start out 2014 with some serious cash.

It’s easy to do. Just follow these steps:

1. Log-in or sign-up for an AVAST Account at my.avast.com

2. Click the “Recommend” tab and follow the instructions

3. Once you’ve sent the recommendation to your friends, just wait for them to install and use avast! Free Antivirus

4. With each successful recommendation, you get closer to winning one of 7 cash prizes associated with the number of recommendations you produce! As always, a minimum of 7 successful recommendations will get you a free license of our premium avast! Internet Security

Share avast! with your friends.

Thank you for using avast! Antivirus and recommending us to your friends and family. For all the latest news, fun and contest information, please follow us on FacebookTwitter and Google+. Business owners – check out our business products.

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