Tag Archives: #cryptomining

North Carolina held for ransom and Agent Tesla becomes stealthy

North Carolina water utility shut down by ransomware
Hurricane Michael, Florence, and now this. It seems North Carolina just can’t catch a break as one of its major water utilities went offline following a ransomware attack. The Onslow Water and Sewer…

Cryptojacking surges and here’s what to do about it | Avast

In the bustling industry of cybercrime, ransomware has always been a popular weapon of choice…until this year. In 2018, illicit cryptomining (AKA cryptojacking) took the title, surging 459%. Cryptojacking is the crime of using somebody else’s compute…

Phishing scams pick up the phone and MikroTik routers watch and listen | Avast

Bank phishing scam phones it in
Many banking customers in Brazil woke up to a rude shock as the security module they installed as instructed turned out to be a trojan. Dubbed Camubot, the Trojan malware proudly sports banking logos and other branding,…

Phishing scams pick up the phone and MikroTik routers watch and listen | Avast

Bank phishing scam phones it in
Many banking customers in Brazil woke up to a rude shock as the security module they installed as instructed turned out to be a trojan. Dubbed Camubot, the Trojan malware proudly sports banking logos and other branding,…