Oversharers: The NSA Loves Your Openness and the Data You Share via Apps

“It has become second nature to connect various apps like Instagram, SocialCam, Angry Birds, CityVille, and Spotify to your Facebook ID. You just click ‘agree’ without even really knowing what you are agreeing to. What you don’t realize is that social apps linked to your Facebook profile can pretty much track your and your friends’ […]

AVAST polls its U.S. community of users and more than 45,000 come through with their Sunday prediction

It’s cold in New Jersey but football fever is HOT with only two days before the Big Game and showdown between the two championship teams. Who will win? AVAST has joined in the football hysteria by leveraging its vast number of users across the U.S. to help us determine a winner. Denver or Seattle? We […]

How to use avast! Mobile Security: Privacy Advisor

At AVAST we work hard to improve your security and privacy. Mobile malware is increasing. If you aren’t yet convinced that this is an issue, please read the latest blog from the avast! Virus Lab, How are you doing Mr. Android? Nowadays, besides the traditional way to get money – sending premium SMS – the […]

????: ????????????

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中国では今、新年を迎える準備に沸いています。今年は 1 月 31 日の新月から午年が始まります。世界中で 10 億を超える人々が旧暦の新年を祝うことになり、今年の祝賀行事はこれまで以上に華やかなものになるでしょう。
図 1. スパムメッセージの件名
件名: [企業名] から皆様へ、あけましておめでとうございます。
図 2. 午年にちなんだ中国語のスパムメールのプレビュー
巳年の終わりも近づき、午年がすぐそこまで来ています。いよいよ新年が始まり、何もかもが新たにスタートを切ります。新年を迎えるにあたり、[商品名] より心からの敬意と感謝を込めて、お客様とご家族にお祝い申し上げます。皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈りいたします。
2014 年 1 月
シマンテックでは過去にも、中国の新年にちなんだ各種のスパムを確認してきました。中でも最も目立つのが、偽のプレゼントやディスカウントを謳ったスパムです。もう 1 つ重大なスパムに分類されるのが詐欺メールです。たとえば、借金を完済して良い新年を迎えられると思い込ませる、ローンや仕事を案内する偽の電子メールなどが挙げられます。このようなスパムメールはすべて、世界中に広がる中国人社会の強い伝統と価値観につけ込んだものです。
中国の新年のお祝いは 1 月 31 日に始まり、元宵節を祝う満月の日まで 15 日間続きます。この元宵節の際にも、同様のスパムが増えるものと予測されます。
* 日本語版セキュリティレスポンスブログの RSS フィードを購読するには、http://www.symantec.com/connect/ja/item-feeds/blog/2261/feed/all/ja にアクセスしてください。

Fans de la NFL y Miley Cyrus en Twitter son Blanco de Spam Generado por Robots

Previo al Super Bowl XLVIII los aficionados de los Broncos de Denver y Seattle Seahawks han estado tuiteando sobre el juego y Symantec ha identificado que muchos de ellos han recibido diversos mensajes de spam generados por bots de Twitter. Adicionalmente, los fans de la estrella del pop Miley Cyrus también se han visto envueltos en una campaña de spam muy similar que usa palabras clave específicas.

El verano pasado, publicamos un blog sobre una campaña similar que se centró en los BET Awards y los fans de Justin Bieber, una dirección y Rihanna. La campaña en esta ocasión sigue el mismo modelo pero ahora mejorado.

La estafa comienza con los tuiteros, quienes sin saberlo usan en sus mensajes palabras clave específicas que controlan los robots de spam en el servicio. Las palabras clave pueden ser acerca del Super Bowl, los Broncos , Seahawks , o los jugadores individuales en el equipo , como el quarterback Peyton Manning de los Broncos de Denver o el esquinero Richard Sherman de los Seattle Seahawks. En el caso de Miley Cyrus, las menciones de su nombre completo o su primer nombre por sí solo puede recibir una respuesta de los robots de spam .

Los robots identifican los mensajes y responden con un tuit (mensaje) mencionando al usuario y ofreciendo un supuesto premio o boleto para un sorteo y una imagen.

NFL Miley Cyrus 1.png

Figura 1. Ejemplo de spam de Twitter generado por bots que utilizan fotos adjuntas con supuestos premios relacionados con la NFL o Miley Cyrus

Estos robots de spam no tuitean links o incluyen links en la sección de biografía de sus perfiles de Twitter, en lugar de ello esriben manualmente la dirección URL en los mensajes que envían a los usuarios junto con la imagen. Esta es una medida que han adaptado para asegurar que los filtros antispam no identifiquen o bloqueen sus cuentas.

NFL Miley Cyrus 2.png

Figura 2. Los sitios web fraudulentos solicitan a los usuarios a verificar los nombres de usuario de Twitter

Los sitios Web que se mencionan en las fotos siguen el mismo método y cuando el usuario da clic, en la página de inicio solicitan el nombre de Twitter del usuario alegando que lo necesitan para comprobar su identidad y confirmar la elegibilidad para el premio. Después de eso, el sitio solicita la información personal del usuario, como su nombre completo, domicilio,  correo electrónico y número de teléfono.

NFL Miley Cyrus 3.png

Figura 3. Los usuarios son invitados a participar en una encuesta y les piden descargar aplicaciones móviles.

Antes de que un usuario pueda continuar y obtener el supuesto premio, se les dice que los patrocinadores solicitan que complete una “oferta/encuesta especial” con el fin de tener la oportunidad de ganar el premio. Por lo general, esto conduce a una encuesta, pero ya que esta estafa está basada en móviles, a los usuarios se les pide que instalen una aplicación móvil y así les generan ganancias económicas a los estafadores por cada instalación exitosa a través de programas de afiliados. Esto incentiva a los estafadores de spam a ser más agresivos con los usuarios pues entre más usuarios contacten por medio de mensajes de Twitter, más posibilidades tienen de obtener ganancias.

El aumento de la movilidad y la popularidad de los servicios de redes sociales en los últimos años ha animado a los spammers y estafadores para dirigirse a estos grupos de usuarios aprovechando los comentarios sobre los principales acontecimientos y personajes públicos, de forma similar a como lo hacen los fabricantes o vendedores. La pregunta es, ¿qué evento o figura pública será la próxima que utilicen?

Frente este tipo de estafas Symantec recomienda a los usuarios tener cuidado y evitar dar clic en este tipo de ligas, además de seguir las mejores prácticas de seguridad, incluyendo el uso de software en sus dispositivos móviles.

Twitter Spam Bots Target NFL and Miley Cyrus Fans

This week, fans of the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks have been tweeting in anticipation of Super Bowl XLVIII, but many have been subjected to a torrent of spam from Twitter bots. Fans of pop star Miley Cyrus have also been plagued with an identical spam campaign using targeted keywords.

Last summer, we published a blog about a similar campaign that focused on the BET Awards and fans of Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Rihanna. The latest campaign follows the same blueprint with improvements.

The scam starts with Twitter users tweeting specific keywords which are monitored by spam bots on the service. The keywords could be about the Super Bowl, the Broncos, Seahawks, or individual players on the team, such as Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning or Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman. In the case of Miley Cyrus, mentions of her full name or her first name alone may receive a response from spam bots.

The response is a tweet with an attached photo that shows the targeted users’ Twitter handle in an effort to personalize the message.

NFL Miley Cyrus 1.png

Figure 1. Twitter spam bot replies using photo attachments that claim to offer prizes related to the NFL or Miley Cyrus

These spam bots do not tweet links or include links in their Twitter profiles’ biography section. Instead, they rely on users to manually type the URL found in the picture that was tweeted to them. This is an adaptive measure to ensure that antispam filters do not flag their accounts.

NFL Miley Cyrus 2.png

Figure 2. Scam websites ask users to verify Twitter usernames

Both of the sites that were mentioned in the photos follow the same template. The sites first request a user’s Twitter username, claiming that they need to check the username to confirm eligibility. After that, the site requests the user’s personal information, such as their full name, home and email address. and phone number.

NFL Miley Cyrus 3.png

Figure 3. Users asked to participate in a survey and download mobile apps

Before a user can proceed, the supposed sponsors claim that the user needs to complete a “special offer” in order to have a chance to win the prize. Typically, this leads to a survey, but since this scam is mobile-based, users are asked to install a mobile application, earning the scam operators money for each successful installation through affiliate programs. This incentivizes the scammers to aggressively spam users.

The rise in popularity of social networking services over the last few years has encouraged spammers and scammers to target these large pools of users discussing major events and public figures, similar to how marketers do. The question is, which event or public figure will be targeted next?

AVAST expands its SMB portfolio.

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Text with cooperation with Magdalena Kuberacka  AVAST Software is a well known brand thanks to its multi awarded avast! Free Antivirus. However, AVAST is much more than just a great free antivirus solution you probably use on your home computer. Our avast! Business Solutions present portfolio of products designed especially for the Small and Medium Business and offered […]

‘Xin Nian Kuai Le’: Spammers Say Happy New Year

China is gearing up to usher in the Year of the Horse, which begins with the new moon on January 31 this year. With more than a billion people worldwide preparing to celebrate the new year for the lunar calendar, the celebration this year promises more color than ever before.
Chinese New Year, also known as the spring festival, is a day for reunion and thanksgiving, where exchanging gifts is at the heart of the celebration. Friends, family, colleagues and even businesses exchange gifts to show love, respect and loyalty. Business owners often send gifts to their customers and shops offer gifts and discounts to show their gratitude. However, spammers are all too aware of this practice.
The spammers and fraudsters are known to capitalize on special occasions and exploit the noble gesture of giving gifts in order to send out spam. They are known to pose as friends and business owners and send emails promising gifts and financial offers to attract unsuspecting victims. 
We’ve observed spam that exploits Chinese New Year by pretending to be from a reputed company. The spam message appeals to the recipient’s benevolence, asking them to give the company’s products as gifts to loved ones.
Figure 1. The subject of the spam message
Subject: [COMPANY NAME] wish users, a happy new year.
Figure 2. Preview of the Chinese spam email related to the Year of the Horse
Greeting all customers,
As the year of the golden snake is coming to an end, year of lucky horse right at our door steps! It’s the beginning of a new year, everything is a new start! As we are about to approach the new year, [PRODUCT NAME] would like to send our greeting to you and your family with utmost respect and well wishes! We wish you a happy and healthy new year!
Thanks for your continuous support to the company. We wish you a great Year of the Horse. Happy New Year!
2014 January
The spam sample in discussion has the subject line greeting the customers on behalf of the company. The body contains an image preview which looks cheerful to spread the holiday feeling. The message tries to make the name of the company linger in the minds of the readers so that they may consider its products while gift shopping.
In previous years, Symantec had observed a variety of Chinese New Year spam. The most prominent among them promoted fake gift offers and discounts. Scams formed another significant spam category, which included loan offers and job offers, making people think they can pay off any debt they may have and get a good start in the new year. All these spam emails were devised to exploit the strong traditions and values of the Chinese community worldwide.
The Chinese New Year festivities commence on January 31 and will continue for 15 days until the full moon, when Lantern Festival is celebrated. We can expect more spam of a similar nature during this  time.
The New Year festival is a good opportunity for the spammers to target users. The best practice to avoid falling into the spammers’ traps is to be wary of opening unsolicited new year themed emails.
We wish you all the very best in the Year of the Horse!