Oops – Have You Forgotten to Secure Your Devices?

Isn’t Christmas and the school holidays a whirlwind? Between holiday ‘catch-ups’, the very intense family schedule and New Year’s celebrations, it can be a wonderful yet often exhausting time. Sometime it is hard to find a moment to think!

But now school has begun and the dust has settled. Phew! So, I have to ask – did Santa bring you or your children any new devices? Perhaps he popped a new laptop, tablet, smartphone or Xbox under the tree.

Well, if you are the lucky owner of a flash device it is SO important to remember that the first step in enjoying your tablet or smartphone is to protect it. Yes – cyber scrooges do exist and spend much time and effort designing malicious software (malware) that can steal your personal information. Apologies for ruining your post-holiday high!

However, if you spend some time protecting your devices, you can keep your gadgets (and your family) safe and protected year round.

Here are a few tips to get you started:


  • Only download apps from a reputable store and always read reviews.
  • Use a password or pin to restrict access to your phone.
  • Protect the data on your phone by using a product that can back up and restore your information.

Apple Products (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch)

  • With Mac Malware on the rise, install security software developed for the Mac.
  • Check out Apple’s iCloud service for syncing and securing data.

New PC or NetBook

  • Ensure your computer has comprehensive security software that includes (at a minimum) anti-virus, a two-way firewall, anti-spyware, anti-phishing and safe search capabilities.
  • Please opt for data protection that can backup and restore.

And, most importantly, educate your kids about staying safe online. Ensure your computer is in a high traffic area and discuss what can and can’t be shared online, such as phone numbers. Use a web filtering tool to protect kids from accessing inappropriate content and most importantly, don’t assume your child doesn’t know how to turn off parental controls!

So, in order to help you stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals (and your kids!), invest in active, comprehensive protection for all the devices you use to access the Internet. Why not check out McAfee All Access. To learn more, visit www.mcafee.com/au/allaccess.
Until next time,


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